Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2553: How can the mobs kill the prince

Sky dome.

Lu Bu stood proudly in the void.

Hunting in the martial arts robe, the red-gold flames are flowing, and the radiant divine brilliance blooms, just like a high day!

The back is straight and the momentum is like a rainbow!

One person is proud, like a thousand horses standing in the sky, could have been invincible vertically and horizontally, sweeping the sky.

However, Lu Bu's figure fell in the eyes of countless creatures in the Wanbao Realm, so desolate and helpless!

Although Ye Guhong and other soldiers in the state of the wolf ride stood behind Lu Bu, they could only support him in front of him, like a fragile cat in the wind.

In front of Lu Bu, there are more than twenty quasi-emperors and hundreds of ancient sages.


The monstrous aura fell under pressure, sweeping across the four directions like a wave, and the void was crushed to burst instantly.

A figure that is indifferent, joking, or with a ruthless smile on his face, overlooking the world, like a **** or a devil.

In a sense, these quasi-emperor powerhouses can also be called demigods, only half a step away from the emperor realm comparable to the gods.

In the remote world of the heavens and all realms, the Emperor Zhun proclaimed himself a god, and he was in charge of all living beings without the slightest problem.

More than twenty quasi-emperors could not come up with so many quasi-emperors in exchange for the imperial cult with a general power background.

"Catch it with your hands. Although you can kill Yan Cang, you are still not our opponent. If you surrender obediently, you can avoid the pain of flesh and blood."

The Azure Master sighed slightly, looking at Lu Bu with a complicated expression.

Why didn't he want to stand up like Lu Bu?

It is a pity that, in the face of giants such as the Star Emperor Dynasty, their resistance is as ridiculous as hitting a stone with an egg.

Just like Lu Bu seems brave, but what can he change?

Not to mention the army of the Star Emperor Dynasty, Lu Bu could not pass this test alone.

What's the point of doing this?

"Don't talk nonsense with him, but the younger generation who has just stepped into the quasi-emperor also tried to rely on a magical power to contend with us?

joke! We have gone through the killing, how can the strength be imaginable! "

A quasi-emperor from the diamond world yelled coldly, saying that he had no favor with Buluo Dynasty.

In his view, if it were not for the reckless and reckless actions of the imperial dynasty and attracting forces such as the emperor of the stars, he would not be engulfed in this battle.

How can he not resent the dynasty?

This person is also one of the objects He hates!

"Shoot quickly, capture this child, and rush to your majesty!"

That silver armor teenager is even more impatient.

If this person is taken down earlier, he will be able to show his face in front of your majesty earlier. This is the real big thing.

He doesn't have so much time to waste here!


The azure blue realm master and other strong people sighed faintly.


that moment.

More than twenty quasi-emperors, hundreds of ancient saints all started together to strike a strong blow.

Twenty quasi emperors and hundreds of ancient sages joined forces in one blow, how terrible is it?

At this time, it is clearly displayed in front of the creatures of the Wanbao Realm, and it is not an exaggeration to call it destroy the heavens and the earth!


The entire Wanbao realm was boiling, the void shattered, the sky collapsed, and the earth collapsed, as if the end of the world had come.

Shocking cracks spread one after another, and the aura of thousands of miles wailed and burst.

All tangible and intangible substances exploded at this moment!

Horrible mess!

The power of this blow, infinitely approaching the emperor, is enough to kill all the strong under the emperor.

At this moment.

Lü Bu finally raised his eyes and looked directly at the many quasi emperors:

"With you mobs, you don't deserve to kill Benhou!"

As soon as this statement came out, the strong colors changed!

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