Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2554: One person, Wanjun makes easy

Lu Bu's voice is extremely powerful, like thunder, blowing into the sky.

The expressions of many strong men suddenly sank.

Facing more than twenty powerful people of the same rank and hundreds of ancient sages alone, Lu Bu dared to speak out?

Are you looking for death?




The azure blue realm master and a group of strong men looked gloomy and spoke.

Even the azure blue realm master looked bad. Although he admired Lu Bu, it did not mean that he tolerated Lu Bu's rudeness.

For the strong, their own face is more than everything!

For the sake of their own face, two powerful people of the same rank can fight, and even face each other.

Lu Bu's words are like a slap in the face of the Azure Blue Realm Master and others, how are many powerful people not angry.

Under the rage, the offensive of many strong men became more fierce.


The strongest gods exploded, motivating the world.

Divine glory illuminates the world, and successive attacks merge into a huge torrent of power, sweeping towards Lu Bu.

The horrible pressure surges, like the tide of destruction, sweeping through the eight wilderness and Liuhe.

There were all strong men who had experienced countless killings, and a combined blow was enough to tear Lu Bu into pieces.


The young silver armor jumped his brows when he saw it, and couldn't help but want to scold many quasi emperors.

What your majesty wants is a living Lu Bu, to ask his supernatural powers, not a dead Lu Bu.

If Lu Bu died, wouldn't he mess up the things that His Majesty explained?

Before the silver armor general could speak, Lu Bu moved again, raised his eyes, stared, and glanced flatly at the strong men such as the Azure Realm Master.

The eyes are indifferent, it seems that the many powerhouses in front of him are just ants!

Even the corners of his mouth rose slightly, without the slightest fear.


The true essence in Lu Bu poured out unreservedly, and the golden flames all over his body became brighter.

The whole body was boiling with blood, and the internal organs were roaring.

The body moved slightly, the sound of bones rubbing like gold and iron fighting, and the phantoms of the gods of war in various acupoints roared.

The combat power was pushed to the extreme in an instant!



His spine is like a dragon, his bones move rhythmically, standing in the void with boundless oppression:

"I am not a flying general, Geshi Luhou, why be afraid of Xiaoxiao!"

A sonic boom that resembled hundreds of thousands of thunders, spit out from Lu Bu's mouth.

All the strong who heard his voice can hear the undisguised fighting spirit and lawless fighting spirit!

Sweeping overbearing, I want to be high!


Lu Bu's eyes were like electricity, sitting down on the red rabbit and horse, and jumping into the crowd, turning into a golden rainbow.




It's as if there are not more than twenty quasi emperors, hundreds of ancient sages in front of him.

It is like a comet that pierces the sun, passing through the heavens, even if it knows it is falling, it will shine with light that shines on all realms!

What's more, who lives and who dies is not always certain!

"Master Hou!"

Ye Guhong and other soldiers who joined the state wolf ride were full of enthusiasm.

This is their coach, the flying general, Lu Fengxian!

One person, Wanjun makes easy!


After Lu Bu rushed into the crowd, driving the red rabbit horse, the leading azure blue realm master was directly hit by the volley.

Immediately, a big mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person flew out, bursting more than half of his body.

However, in the horrified gaze of the azure blue realm master, Fang Tian painted a halberd round, and immediately cut it out.

A halberd light instantly obscured all the rays of light between heaven and earth!

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