Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2555: Kill

The halberd light is bright, dividing the two worlds!


When Lu Bu cut out this halberd, all the light of the halberd was cut off and shot out in all directions.

In an instant there was a huge storm that seemed to sweep across the heavens and all realms, and the mighty golden flames surged like an ocean.

Where the halberd light passed, the sky shattered and the chaos collapsed!

Then, in the stunned gaze of many powerful men, a group of ancient sages and quasi emperors were shrouded in it.

This halberd is full of Lu Bu's obsession.

With this halberd, Mie Sha'er waits for Xiao Xiao, to create a bright universe!


A series of explosions sounded one after another, and there were fifty or sixty ancient sages.

The stump of the broken arm fell into the sky, and the blood fell like a waterfall!

Even the soul was swept away by the halberd!

"no no!"

Some old sages with high alertness, who were lucky enough to avoid the disaster, were also seriously injured and almost died.

Even some quasi-emperors were more or less injured.

These ancient sages who survived by chance have a panic on their faces:

"How is it possible, how can this person be so strong? How could this be?"

Although these ancient sages are not as good as Lu Bu and other quasi-emperors, they are also strong in the East.

They are not without understanding of the power of the emperor, and even some of the ancient sages are only half a step away from the emperor Zhun.

However, at this moment, Lü Bu's combat power was far beyond their imagination!

With one's own strength, he was able to resist the attacks of more than twenty powerful people of the same level, and cut out half of the ancient sages with one halberd, and severely injured the remaining ancient sages.

What a horror!

At this moment, the entire battlefield was quiet, and everyone looked at him in horror, like Lu Bu, the **** of war.

The remaining old sage was even more timid, avoiding it from afar, and didn't dare to attack Lu Bu again.




Ye Guhong couldn't wait for the soldiers, and suddenly burst into shocking cheers.

The countless creatures of Wanbao Realm were bright in front of them, and they saw the hope of victory from Lu Bu.

The strength of slaying dozens of ancient sages with one halberd might be able to protect Wanbao Realm.

"Damn it!"

The silver armored young general's eyes were dark, he was not afraid of Lu Bu.

But the loss was so heavy that even if Lu Bu was finally taken, he would not be able to leave a good impression in front of His Majesty.

"Shoot, a bunch of wastes, quickly shot, and suppress this person!"

Young General Yinjia looked gloomy and ordered with a cold voice.

Hearing this, the eyes of the Azure Realm Master and many other quasi-emperors sank, and a flash of anger flashed through their eyes.

Having just suffered such a big loss in Lu Bu's hands, a sage in the small general of the silver armor dare to speak out in front of them.

If it turned into someone else, it would have been slapped to death by many quasi emperors.

However, the young general Yin Jia is the spokesperson of the Star Emperor Dynasty, and even if the Azure Realm Master waits for the quasi emperor to be angry, he can only obey his orders.


Many quasi-emperors stepped into the void, separated and surrounded Lu Bu.

The terrifying coercion rushed heavily, like if the towering sacred mountains were overwhelming towards Lu Bu, crushing into the void.

After all, there are more than twenty quasi emperors, and they have an absolute advantage in number. Perhaps they are afraid of Lu Bu's strength.

But never fear!

"Lu Fengxian, you'd better be obedient and catch it!"

The azure blue realm master had an ugly expression, with a killing intent.

In the previous match, he was hit by the red rabbit horse and lost a lot of face. At this moment, he was also murderous towards Lu Bu.

Siege of the Quartet, the killing intent has been decided!

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