Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2570: Qin Yi appeared

Having said that, it did not match his expectations.

"Never mind, let the emperor take the action and help this imperial dynasty stabilize the situation!"

The eyes of Emperor Yi Hun were faint.

In order for the deity to be able to seize the treasures in the Tianyao Continent, he must maintain the balance between the Buluo Empire and the True Phoenix Empire.

Therefore, he intends to let this clone take action and help not to fall to the dynasty.

And just as the Great Emperor Yihun was preparing to take action, when many powerful men in Eastern Xinjiang felt distressed for Lu Bu, a chuckle suddenly sounded.


This chuckle overwhelmed all the sounds in the world.

Even if it was the great emperor of the stars, the roar caused by this chuckle was obscured.


A faint divine brilliance rose from the remnant site of Wanbao Realm.

What followed was an aura of horror that shook the heavens, and instantly swept through hundreds of millions of miles of chaos.

The imperial spirit is permeated, shaking the eight wilderness and Liuhe!

Everyone present only felt that an indescribable deity was rising from the Ten Thousand Treasure World.

Black hair is like a waterfall, the sun, moon and stars hang over his shoulders, the laws of the heavens linger around him, and his eyes are as indifferent as heaven!

Taking one step, they suppressed the tens of thousands of miles of void and condensed the vast space and time.

Even the attacks of several supreme emperors such as the Star Emperor were stuck in the air by them, unable to fall!

One thought crushes the world, one step suppresses the void!

At this moment, all the powerhouses in Eastern Xinjiang were shaking their hearts, and they all understood that this was another emperor.

An emperor from the Everlasting Dynasty.

Canopy Demon Lord?

Black Wind Demon Lord?

Or, other emperors?

There were only a few emperors who did not show up in the imperial dynasty.

"This is... not falling to the emperor?"

A strong man from the forces of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty couldn't help but exclaimed and recognized Qin Yi.

Since the retreat of Qin Yi, the entire affairs of the imperial dynasty have been presided over by the avatar of Heaven.

The image of the Heavenly Dao clone has also been circulated for a long time, and it is known to the outside world, at least the powerhouses under the imperial dynasty have seen the Heavenly Dao clone.

"If you don't fall for the emperor, have you already taken the shot yourself?"

The strong are astonished.

Generally speaking, when the two big forces are fighting, the initial stage is mainly temptation, and most of them are fighting against the strong under their command.

Just like Lu Bu and others, clashing with the star emperor that silver armored general.

People at the level like Qin Yi took the shot in person, and most of them would only take action when the probing of the two sides ended and the final battle.

However, as soon as he thought that Emperor Xingchen and other Supremes had already taken action, it was reasonable for Qin Yi to fight back brazenly.

"Could it be that a decisive battle will break out in advance?"

The powerhouses in Eastern Xinjiang couldn't help but guess.

You must know that the emperor himself, but an extremely powerful person.

In the Eastern Frontier, the strongest person with the most reputation is the Emperor of the Unruly, the prince from the beginning, who has already proven himself as the emperor.

Although the two are called the two heroes of Eastern Xinjiang, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the emperor who does not fall is even scary.

Not only because of its establishment of the imperial dynasty, but also because of its terrible combat power.

Killing the Emperor Huntian, this is a real record!

Shine forever!

Although there are many supreme powers such as the Star Emperor Dynasty, they may not be able to suppress this emperor.

"The Emperor!"

When Lu Bu saw Qin Yi, his eyes lit up, and then a flash of shame flashed across his face.

The good news is that with the arrival of the emperor, this battle is already worry-free.

And shame is the shame of oneself, not only can not suppress the many thieves in front of Xiaoxiao, but let the emperor save his life instead.

Feel ashamed.

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