Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2571: One point out, the world moves

In chaos.

Qin Yi steps on the void, his face is calm, standing with his hands behind.

Shining laws lingered around him, roaring constantly, and even bowed to Qin Yi.

Like a nine-day god, looking around!

Between raising hands and feet, chaos and turmoil can be caused, and the void world will cause subtle ripples.

"Fengxian has been entrusted by the emperor, and asks the emperor to punish him."

Lu Bu on the side bowed in shame.

Generals, kill the enemy for the king, suppress the Eight Wastes!

For the general, the master, fend off the enemy, suppress the thieves Xiaoxiao, this is a matter of his own responsibility, it is his own responsibility.

However, he failed to suppress the thieves in front of him, and he failed the emperor's expectations, and even more so attracted the emperor to rescue him himself.

This is his negligence and deserves punishment!

"It's not your fault."

Qin Yi smiled faintly, but did not punish Lu Bu.

In this battle, Lu Bu's defeat was not his fault. Lu Bu's ability to resist the Emperor Star had already exceeded his expectations.

Although Lu Bu could not enter the imperial realm, his goal of experience had already been achieved.

After this battle, if Lu Bu could digest the gains and step into the emperor realm, it would be a sure thing.


Upon hearing this, Lu Bu stopped speaking.

However, the shame on his face became more intense.

He knew in his heart that if he was no matter how strong he was, how could this battle come to this, he alone could suppress everything.

Lu Bu couldn't help secretly being cruel. After the war, he was determined to break through the emperor's realm and no longer drag the emperor's hind legs.


Qin Yi chuckled lightly, knowing Lu Bu's thoughts clearly.

However, he didn't say anything, Lu Bu was under pressure, and the faster he could break through the emperor realm.

This is actually a good thing.

Leaving aside Lu Bu's affairs for the time being, Qin Yi looked at the four emperors, including the Star Emperor, as his eyes flashed.

The four emperors looked at Qin Yi with great dread, and the hostility between each other was much less, which meant that they were united.

Of course, they can't help but not nervous.

After all, Qin Yi once killed the Emperor Huntian, with a fierce reputation.

The Star Great Emperor and the other four, with the exception of the Star Great Emperor Canglan Great Emperor, the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Venerable and the two supreme ones, they only have the cultivation level of the Emperor.

Faced with Qin Yi, who had killed Emperor Huntian, they couldn't help but be serious.


But Qin Yi suddenly raised his right hand, making it empty.

This finger was light and fluttering, without the slightest smell of firework, as if it had not used any magical power.

However, when this finger fell, the thousands of miles of chaos that had condensed in front of Qin Yi trembled suddenly, and the void turned around.

Only for a moment.

What everyone looked at again, the terrifying visions such as the vast ocean of divine power and the stars and Tianhe had disappeared.

When it reappears, it is already hundreds of thousands of miles away.


The attack falls, the world collapses, time and space are shattered, and the chaos blows up a terrifying storm.

One side of the world was affected, and it was crumbling in the aftermath.

No one doubted that if this attack were to fall, Lu Bu and the five million Binzhou wolf riders would all be crushed into powder!

However, what made the Star Emperor and the other four emperors even more jealous was Qin Yi's finger that reversed the chaos.

Just point it out, move the world!

In an understatement, the four of them combined with one blow to eliminate Yuer.

"The Way of Space?"

The Great Emperor Xingchen raised his eyebrows with a solemn expression.

This is undoubtedly the use of the way of space!

Moreover, only with a deep understanding of space can one have such an amazing method.

Qin Yi's finger made this emperor even deeper.

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