Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2996: Fist brand


All eyes are golden.

In the eyes of the longevity goddess, there is no other color in the whole world except the brilliant golden.

Without sound, space is turned upside down, and time no longer passes.

Only one piece of gold in front of me.

"where am I?"

The will of the eternal goddess is obscure, and the movement of her thinking has been slowed by hundreds of millions of times, almost frozen.


At this time, a figure walked out of the vast Jinhui.

The figure is not tall, but in the eyes of the longevity goddess, this figure seems to be the most noble **** in the world.

With one foot on the vastness, the world is supported by one person.

Supreme and majestic, solemn and majestic!


Looking down at the figure, the longevity goddess was shocked.

The tyrannical imperial Qi is rolling and overwhelming.

Just a glance, for the longevity goddess, it is like eternity, and the emotions of fear and surrender slowly enlarge.

If you can listen to this person, perhaps it is your greatest honor?

This thought, uncontrollably rising from the heart of the longevity goddess, instantly filled her mind.



With a sweet hum, the longevity goddess' eyebrows lightly soothed, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Before her, Qin Yi was withdrawing her right hand, and after seeing Qin Yi, the Goddess of Longevity flashed a struggling in her eyes. She was quiet, and she gave Qin Yi a salute.

"Yingluo, my concubine teacher, I have seen the son."

The longevity goddess' red lips lightly opened, and she smiled sweetly.


Qin Yi nodded.

I am extremely satisfied with my own attempt.

When he was about to kill the longevity goddess, Qin Yi chose to keep his hands and spare the life of the longevity goddess.

After all, when he first arrived in the Seven Prison World, he knew nothing about the situation in the Seven Prison World, and he needed someone to help him understand the situation in the Seven Prison World.

As for, why is the eternal goddess?

Several others, isn't this being killed by our emperor?

It is certainly not because of the beautiful appearance and good looks of the longevity goddess.

Our emperor is not a person who loves beauty.


Yes, exactly.

In order to let the longevity goddess obey her own orders, Qin Yi originally planned to sign a contract with him.

It's just that there is a shortage of killing points. Qin Yi didn't want to waste the killing points to exchange for the contracts of the heavens, so he simply changed to another method.

With his own fist will force the imprint in the mind of the longevity goddess to control the longevity goddess.

This method is used by many powerful people in the Eastern Frontier to control the servants around him.

As long as the mind of the branded person is stronger than the branded person, the branded person cannot break free from the branded person's control.

Qin Yi used this method for the first time, and it seems that the effect is good.

He has long cast an indestructible emperor's soul, and both the amount and intensity of his divine thoughts far exceed the eternal goddess.

It is easy to imprint and control it in the mind of the eternal goddess.

"Get up, tell the deity about the Seven Prisons World"

Qin Yi waved his hand and motioned for the longevity goddess to get up.

"In return, the Seven Prisons World is an extremely huge world..."

The longevity goddess smiled and talked about everything she knew, her voice like a jade bead, pleasing to the ear.

As the longevity goddess continued to tell, Qin Yi gradually understood some conditions in the Seven Prison World.

The Seven Prisons are vast and expansive, divided into eighteen major states, each of which is dozens of times the size of the average Middle Thousand World.

Such as Qingmingzhou, Beixuanzhou, Tianhanzhou and so on.

There are countless creatures, countless races, and countless sect families in every big state.

It is not a mixed bag!

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