Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2997: Great Yin Dynasty, Beihe Secret Realm

The world of seven prisons spans hundreds of thousands of miles, and the territory is vast.

Even if an emperor wants to traverse the seven prisons, it will take more than hundreds of years.

Humans, demons, demons... all the major races live in the eighteen states of the Seven Prisons World.

All beings are in it.

The story of the eternal goddess made Qin Yi more familiar with the Seven Prison World.

Today's Seven Prison World is ruled by a behemoth named Great Yin Dynasty, rather than the seven prison gates Qin Yi imagined.

"The Great Yin Dynasty?"

Qin Yi frowned, her eyes flickering.

This makes him especially puzzled.

The Seven Prison World is a world opened up by the Seven Prison Heavens for sheltering the disciples of the remaining seven prison gates.

As expected, this world is also controlled by the seven prison gates.

What happened to the Great Yin Dynasty?

Where is the Seven Prison Gate?

"Yingluo, have you ever heard of the Seven Prison Gates?"

Qin Yi interrupted the longevity goddess.

"Seven prison gates?"

The longevity goddess was startled, she tilted her head to think, and finally shook her head:

"My concubine has never heard of the seven prison gates."

"Have not heard?"

Qin Yi's eyes condensed, seeing that the expression of the longevity goddess did not seem to be fake, obviously he had never heard of the name of the seven prison gates.


The Seven Prison Gate is an immortal sacred place, spanning two realms at its peak, dominating the heavens and all realms.

What is an immortal sacred place?

The supreme, the force that truly stands at the top of the heavens and myriad realms, admires the countless creatures of the heavens and myriad realms.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Even if the seven prison gates decline, it is not comparable to ordinary forces.

Even the one or two sects left behind are hiding in the dark, controlling the eastern frontier for countless years.

If it weren't for Qin Yi, Emperor Zhenhuang could even dominate Eastern Frontier!

And this Seven Prison World is the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign, the last piece of land left by the disciples of the disciples.

The hope of revenge for the Seven Prison Gods, it is impossible for him to leave behind.

As a result, the Seven Prison Gate was not there, but the Great Yin Emperor ruled the Seven Prison World. How could this not make Qin Yi wonder?

"Could it be that what happened to the Seven Prisons World?"

Qin Yi thought.

The Seven Prison Gates could not disappear for no reason. If it were the work of the Great Yin Dynasty, this Fang Dynasty might not be that simple.

How can an imperial dynasty that can overturn the seven prison gates be simple?

"However, no matter what means this Fang Dynasty has, as long as I don't stop me from looking for the Seven Prison Orders, I have no intention of exploring."

Qin Yi's eyes flashed.

His main purpose in coming to this world is to find the Seven Prison Orders.

As long as he obtains the Seven Prison Order and suppresses the Seven Prison Heavenly Dao, this realm will completely fall into his control.

This Great Yin Dynasty did not help, even if it had any means, and could only surrender to his command.

While Qin Yi was thinking, the longevity goddess was still telling the situation in the Seven Prisons.

The place where Qin Yi and the two are now is not the Seven Prisons World, but a secret world that is attached to Qingmingzhou.

Donghe Secret Land.

This mystery is very peculiar, and every 20 million years, a batch of supreme magical medicine, powerful treasures, and magical materials will be produced.

There is no shortage of imperial products, special treasures!

Every time the secret realm is opened, Qingmingzhou will set off a **** storm, and countless strong people will be moved by the wind.

In the end, many top forces in Qingmingzhou took action and set the rules.

The Donghe Secret Realm has only become a place of experience for the younger generation of Qingmingzhou. As long as the strongest person is no more than 30 million years old and has a cultivation base no more than the emperor, he can enter.

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