Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3007: One finger, one ray of sword light

Spread it equally.

A ray of sword light rippled up and waved in Qin Yi's palm, floating up and down like a ball of water.

It seems that there is a world hidden in it, sword light is vertical and horizontal, and a swordsman is standing in it.

There are sun and moon in the sword, and **** in the mind!


The ultimate edge, followed by diffused.

"this is?"

Nangong Jun's pupils shrank, and his face was horrified.

As soon as this ray of sword light appeared, even if he was separated from the Jinpeng Demon Slayer Battlefield, his soul could not help but feel a little numb.

This feeling is like someone holding a magic sword and pointing directly at his forehead!

Such kendo is not weaker than his elder brother!

Such a powerful master would actually appear in the small land of Qingmingzhou, what Beihe secret realm came here?

"not good!"

The leader of Jin Jia and other powerful people in the Nangong clan even shouted badly.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

Qin Yi raised his eyes, a dangerous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Quill, flick your finger.


A faint sword sound suddenly sounded, shaking thousands of miles, the entire secret realm seemed to be able to hear this sonorous sword sound.

Between the heaven and the earth, it seems that a nine-day sword immortal appeared, pushing away the nine palaces, and slashing the heavens from the top of the avenue.

The law is roaring, and the sword light is constantly spreading!

Senran sword energy swept across the sky like a wave, and even the big sun in the sky was obscured by this sword.

Countless people raised their eyes, only the bright sword light that divided the universe was left in their eyes, and they could feel the sword intent that cut the world.

A sword covers the sun and the moon, there is no hostility in it!

Qin Yi is good at boxing, and generally uses boxing against opponents.

Take the Baquan as the foundation to open your own body.

However, Qin Yi's kendo is also not weak. At the beginning of his rise, he also used kendo to kill his opponent many times.

He has not given up on the practice of kendo.

His comprehension of kendo is not weaker than his comprehension of boxing, both of which are rooted in his comprehension of Emperor Dao.

In essence, Qin Yi's root lies in the Emperor Avenue.

The Emperor's Road is another road that is overwhelming.

Drive the heavens and all paths with the will of the emperor!

Such as force, boxing, kendo... these are all rooted in the imperial avenue, that is to say, the deeper Qin Yi's understanding of the imperial avenue, the stronger the fist and kendo naturally.

If you have to make an analogy, Qin Yi's swordsmanship is not even comparable to most of the emperors of the lower three realms and even the middle three realms.

The power of a sword, how can these quasi-emperors of the Nangong family resist it?

The mighty sword light instantly flooded the world, wrapped in unmatched power, swallowing everything in front of him.

"Do not!"

"What kind of sword intent is this?"

"How can a quasi emperor control this kind of power!"

The soldiers of the Nangong family had no time to avoid them, and were directly enveloped by this monstrous ocean of sword light.

In an instant, the red blood fell like a waterfall, smashing Chiyang Mountain to the ground.

A ray of sword light, kill the sixteen quasi emperors!


Even Wanli Qiongtian was torn open a huge crack, and countless sword lights and sword intents raged in it.

Like a Tianhe hanging horizontally for nine days, it will not go out.


The longevity goddess' eyes widened, and she couldn't help being dazzled.

Such power!

Such a mighty force!

If she also has this kind of power, why should she be bullied by Nangong Jun?

Although she was branded by Qin Yi, she did not lose herself, she still had her vision.

Qin Yi's sword was even worse in her eyes than the previous punch that killed Xue Hongdao and others.

Even her master, the head of Wanshouzong came here, I am afraid that she can't take this sword!

Not only him, this sword made the Tianjiao on the top of the mountain aghast, unable to remain calm.

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