Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3008: Tianjiao of Qingmingzhou

Chiyang Mountain.

Mountain top.

A hundred-foot-high portal stood, and the letter "Red Sun" was written.

Through rippling like the surface of the water, a vast world can be vaguely seen, and a colorful phoenix soars in it.

The dazzling divine brilliance shot out from it, exuding a charming medicinal fragrance, inhaled in the mouth, and could not help but feel relieved!

In front of the portal, there are dozens of Tianjiao standing.

They may be like a volley in the sky, or purple intent, or divine soldiers hanging high...Every breath is surging to the extreme, at least it is also the cultivation base of the quasi emperor.

Only the quasi-emperor-level Tianjiao can participate in the battle for the Five Phoenix Medicine.

Among them, the ten closest to the portal are the strongest.

The whole body is shrouded in endless brilliance, and can shake the sun and the moon with every gesture. He is a powerhouse who has cultivated into the extreme realm of the quasi emperor.

The other Tianjiao looked at these ten people with fear in their eyes.

These are the top ten on the Qingmingzhou emperor's waiting list, as well as several current arrogances from other big states!

"Xue Hongdao, Song Qianjun, Jindao Sanren, Longevity Goddess... how come these are not there?

Is it possible that the rumors are true, these few people were killed by Renzhen? "

A Qingmingzhou Tianjiao looked around and suddenly said.

Qingmingzhou has a vast area, although it is not comparable to the core states of the Great Yin Dynasty such as Yuntianzhou, it is not bad.

The top ten Tianjiao in each Qingmingzhou emperor's alternate list basically cultivated into the quasi-emperor's extreme realm, standing on the top of quasi-emperor.

There were Tianjiao from the Outer State and Tianjiao from the Qingming State. It stands to reason that there should be more than ten Tianjiao in the extreme realm.

As a result, several well-known Tianjiao did not appear?

Could it be that something really happened?

As soon as he thought of the fist that shook the secret realm several hours ago, and has not disappeared until now, the hearts of the heavenly arrogance shuddered.

"Impossible, none of Xue Hongdao and others is weaker than me.

Xue Hongdao and Jindao Sanren cultivated into the extreme state of physical body, Song Qianjun and the longevity goddess cultivated into the extreme state of mana. Together, the emperor can contend one or two. "

At this time, a voice sneered.

The crowd frowned and looked back at the speaker.

I saw a man with a cold, unsmiling black robe, nine fire phoenix lingering in the flames all over his body.

The place it stands is like a **** of fire!

"It's Ren Bingheng of the Blazing Fire Sect. He is ranked sixth on the emperor's alternate list. He has already reached the ultimate state with his blazing fire divine art, and he has cultivated to the extreme mana state."

When everyone saw this person, their pupils shrank.

This one is the son of the Supreme Elder of the Blazing Fire Sect, who acts extraordinarily at will, and easily destroys the crowd.

Seeing him speaking, everyone did not dare to continue speaking.

Moreover, what Ren Bingheng said is not without reason.

Each of the top ten existences on the emperor's candidate list are arrogant people, and most of them dislike each other except those who are friendly.

However, there is no doubt that they know each other's strengths particularly well. Ren Bingheng said so, he is naturally certain.

Everyone also didn't want to believe that Tianjiao in the dignified Qingming State would be killed in the secret of Beihe.

You must know that the Beihe Secret Realm only allows the existence under the emperor to enter, and there is no Tianjiao to induce Thunder Tribulation and set foot in the Emperor Realm. The Beihe Secret Realm cannot exist the Emperor Realm Tianjiao.


The same as the quasi-emperor realm Tianjiao, who can say that he will win the other side?

Not to mention, how about the four Tianjiao joining forces?

Can't beat them, won't the longevity goddess and others run?

"You can't say that, if the master of that punch has cultivated into the three extreme realms, is it comparable to the emperor?"

At this time, another Tianjiao spoke.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was silent.

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