Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3017: Xiaoqing Hades shot

The mountains are billions of feet high.

Straight into Qingming.

The elder son of the Qing Hades Palace stepped on the empty sky, stepping from the top of the mountain step by step, ripples rippling beneath his feet.

He has never used a single trace of mana, he has infinite power to fill the sun and the moon.

In every move, countless laws echoed him, the thunder exploded, and the whole world moved with him!

Like a man of God coming to the world!

"Have seen His Royal Highness!"

The strong people around all took a step forward and bowed to the youngest son of Qing Hades in a respectful posture.

Qing Hades.

One of the eighteen heavenly kings of the Great Yin Dynasty, Qingmingzhou has the most respected status and the most powerful existence.

It is also the greatest pillar of the Great Yin Emperor's dynasty to impose the world!

Eighteen heavenly kings sit in the eighteen major states and suppress all dissatisfaction. Everyone is the top of the world. It is not difficult for one person to sweep a large state.

In the face of these standing at the apex of each state, overlooking the existence of all living beings, many emperors have to bow their heads.

This princely son is the son of Qing Hades, who is equally noble in status, born noble, and his strength is also at the pinnacle of the younger generation, and he is revered as the "Little Qing Hades"!


Xiaoqing Hades nodded and looked at Qin Yi with a faint gaze:

"My friend, the vastness and depth of your mana really makes the deity also have to marvel."

In the words, this Xiaoqing Pluto seemed to be amazed, but his expression didn't mean the slightest surprise.

He walked step by step, his eyes gleaming, overlooking Qin Yi:

"With your own power, you can stop the many arrogances present, you must have cultivated into the three extreme realms, comparable to the emperor."

"The three extremes?"

Everyone exclaimed.

Although it had been predicted long ago, when Xiaoqing Hades explained it, everyone's hearts were inevitably shocked.

This is the extreme state of the three!

According to legend, only the Great Yin Emperor Clan of the Great Yin Dizhou has cultivated the evildoers who have cultivated into the three extreme realms.

The rest, such as the Nangong family and other forces, never gave birth to the quasi emperor of the three extreme realms.

This silver-haired man is actually an existence in the extreme state of the three cultivation, no wonder the ability is against many powerful ones.


The longevity goddess looked at Qin Yi, her eyes full of wonder.

The Lord has actually cultivated into the three extreme realms, but if you think about it, if you can use your own power to defeat many arrogances, the power of the Lord must be no weaker than the emperor.

It is the extreme state of the three!

"It's a pity that your powers are obscure, and there seems to be a barrier. There are defects between mana, physical body, and soul, which can't be regarded as the true three extreme states."

Xiaoqing Hades sighed lightly, with a trace of regret on his face.

"A lack of realm?"

Everyone was taken aback and couldn't help looking at Qin Yi.

From this look, everyone saw a clue, Qin Yi's body and soul exuded a terrifying aura, but his mana was weaker than these two.

Therefore, it is impossible to achieve perfect harmony between the three operations.

It seemed like a small flaw, but it weakened Qin Yi's power by several chips!

"Well, if your realm is lacking, you can't be regarded as the true three extreme realm, but it's just right to be the whetstone of the deity.

With your hand, temper my body and help me break through! "

As Xiaoqing Pluto spoke, he walked towards Qin Yi step by step.

With every step he took, his breath continued to rise, and invisible fluctuations filled the void, sweeping across the square.

A little bit of purple divine brilliance rose up all over his body, enveloping him, making him look extraordinarily detached, like a fairy in the world, and the whole body was spotless.

The eyes hang high like the sun and the moon, without sadness or joy, cold and indifferent.

next moment.

He has made a bold move!

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