Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3018: Cover the sky with one hand, but so

Dome the world.

The breathtaking breath is permeating, and the great roads of heaven are roaring.

Xiaoqing Hades relies on the void to control the sky, and his whole body is full of radiant glory, like an ancient fairy furnace, extremely hot.

The blood is like a sea, as if a real dragon is roaring and roaring!



Anyone who sees him will have such thoughts in their hearts.

"Since the deity set foot in martial arts at the age of twelve, one has been in the innate, three in the true essence, five in the Tao, ten years of heaven and man...

So far, four million years have passed, and none of the Qingmingzhou contemporaries can be in the eyes of the deity. "

Xiaoqing Pluto's voice seemed to float from the nine heavens, ethereal and distant:

"For a long time, the deity has searched Qingzhou and can't get an opponent. It is the emperor of the older generation who fought with the deity in the same realm, and the deity can also win the battle!"

In the same realm, can you win the emperor?

Everyone looked at Xiaoqing Hades with horrified eyes.

The emperor is very different from the emperor.

The two are already at two levels.

The level of life and the degree of control over power are not the same.

Even if the emperor suppresses his realm to the Quasi-Emperor Realm, his use of power is far beyond the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

To put it simply, a ray of power in the hands of the emperor can exert twelve points of power, and can defeat the emperor at will.

Xiaoqing Hades was able to defeat the emperor in the same realm, and his combat power was terrifying. Although it was not comparable to the three extreme realms, it could be against the emperor, but it was also called unprecedented!

"This is His Royal Highness, the first heavenly arrogant of Qingming State, and it does not belong to the existence of evildoers in the big states such as Yuntian State and Great Yin Emperor State!"

Ren Bingheng and other Tianjiao looked at Xiaoqing Hades and sighed sincerely.

The leader of Qing Ming State, Xiao Qing Ming Wang!

It is not only their honor but also their misfortune to live in the same era with this elder son.

Since his debut, his light has covered the entire Qingming State.

Three million years ago, so.

Three million years later, the same is true, taking the lead!

"It is rumored that if it weren't for His Royal Highness's early practice, because of the wrong practice of the exercises and hurt his foundation, I am afraid that he has already cultivated into the three extreme states.

However, if you get the five phoenix magic medicine, His Royal Highness will be able to fill the foundation and set foot on the three extreme realms in one fell swoop.

By then, His Royal Highness might not be able to suppress the many evildoers of the Great Yin Dynasty and reach the top. "

There is extreme Tianjiao amazed.

"Okay, okay, as expected to be Brother Li, the contemporary leader of Qingmingzhou, the most elegant, not to lose the Dizhou Tianjiao!"

Nangong Jun couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and laughed.

With Xiaoqing Hades to protect him, he no longer has to worry about his life.

There is this person who dared to kill me. When this son leaves this secret realm, this son will inevitably mobilize the powerful Nangong family and cut this person into eight pieces.

Nangongjun looked at Qin Yi, his eyes full of resentment.

Think how respected his position is, and when he was so insulted!

If this revenge is not avenged, he swears not to be a man!

"I don't know, how much pressure can you bring to the deity with these three extreme conditions?"

Xiaoqing Pluto smiled, raised his hand in the air, and pushed forward.


Countless mighty spirits rolled, and the void boiled like boiling water. It was suddenly shaken and squeezed into a ball.

In an instant, the vastness shattered, and the universe was hanging upside down!

A ray of aftermath dissipated, exploding hundreds of thousands of times in the void, shattering the mountain into the cloud thousands of miles away.

Everyone looked again, Xiaoqing Pluto's big hand had become countless times bigger at some unknown time.

Million miles?

Ten thousand miles?

Billions of miles?

One hand is too big to imagine, it seems to fill the whole secret realm.

Cover the sky with one hand, but so!

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