Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3022: No more than a sword


Xiaoqing Hades coughed up blood in his mouth, his breath declined to the extreme.

However, his eyes were amazingly bright at this time, making people unable to look directly at Qin Yi.

Divine brilliance flashed in the depths of his eyes, and I didn't know what I was thinking.

"His Royal Highness, are you okay?"

Ren Bingheng and others asked Tianjiao hurriedly, breathing a sigh of relief, and his complexion looked pretty good.

His Royal Highness is fine, as long as His Royal Highness does not fall, Qing Hades will not be angry, let alone make a move.

"But, Lord Nangong really fell!"

Ren Bingheng and others smiled bitterly.

Everyone originally expected that Nangong Jun had a hole card and could come back like Xiaoqing Hades.

After all, he is the main disciple of the Nangong family, and he holds an unknown trump card in his body, which is reasonable.

However, after waiting so long, Nangong Jun did not see any signs of resurrection.

Obviously, Nangong Jun has completely fallen, was smashed by Qin Yi's sword, and there is no possibility of resurrection!

"Young Master Nangong is really dead?"

You Tianjiao swallowed hard, his face pale.

This is the main disciple of the Nangong family!

The third son of the contemporary Patriarch of the Nangong family, what a noble status and status, like a true dragon of nine days.

When he died, it was a great event that pierced the sky.

"A terrible disaster, a terrible disaster!"

A strong man from other big states shook his head, worrisome in his eyes.

How tyrannical the Nangong family is, with countless years of inheritance, I don't know how many backgrounds and powers there are.

This aristocratic family is angry, enough to sink a state, and the world is shattered!

In full anger, the anger of the Nangong family may even spread to all the strong people present.

‘For the present plan, only by restraining this person, can he commit his crimes and get rid of the anger of the Nangong family. ’

Many powerhouses shone sharply and their expressions were cold.

"Your Excellency, do you know what a catastrophe you have caused. Young Master Nangong is dead. If you kill him, you are an enemy of the Nangong family. The Nangong family will definitely use all means to chase down to the end of the world, and kill the town! "

That Wanshouzong disciple Hu Yunfei jumped out first.

"If I were your Excellency, I would be obediently restrained, and I would be sent to the Nangong family by us, saying that I might not suffer less pain."

Another strong man took a step forward and said awe-inspiringly.

"Yes, this is your only way out!"

A group of powerful people shouted in unison, the majestic momentum surged.


The light of the sword rushed into the sky, the golden flames skyrocketed, and the sea of ​​stars penetrated the sun and the moon...


Countless light like electricity fell on Qin Yi, condensing the supreme will, surging like a tide.

The void around Qin Yi collapsed instantly.

With so many powerhouses, the gaze is enough to crush the quasi-emperor powerhouse, not to mention Ren Bingheng and other extreme talents.

With this glance, even the emperor had to change the will of the will.

But Qin Yi stood with his hands in his hands, bathing the gazes of the powerful, his complexion as usual and his expression calm and calm.

How could the gaze of a group of ants make him change color?

To him, isn't this group of so-called Tianjiao powerhouses just ants?

Even if he hasn't re-entered the emperor realm, no one present except Xiaoqing Pluto can make him treat each other sternly.

Even that Xiaoqing Pluto is nothing but that.

If it weren't for the fact that he had no intention to kill him just now, with that sword, this Xiaoqing Pluto would never survive.

If he wants to kill it, there is no more than a sword left!

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