Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3023: Thank you for your kindness

At the foot of the mountain.

A crowd of people waiting for their eyes gathered like a sea, falling on Qin Yi, and their tyrannical will surged in the void.

The breath of the people is faintly connected, as if the nine-day Taishan mountain is pressing on the top, it can sweep everything in the world.

Qin Yi's face was calm, unconsciously.


"This son is arrogant, dare to ignore us!"

"The desire of heaven must make it go crazy first, a madman who doesn't know the heights of the sky, and is extremely arrogant."

Everyone looked so ugly, how could you know that Qin Yi did not put them in his eyes.

Whether it was Qin Yi Yixiu stopping their attack, or Qin Yi killing Nangong Jun's strength with a single sword, he was qualified to overlook them.

However, everyone is a arrogant arrogant, and no one wants to admit that they are subordinate to others.

Not to mention, Qin Yi simply ignored them, how could everyone not be angry?

You know, before the crowd besieged Qin Yi, relying on the large number of people, they did not actually use too many cards.

In the end, the Tianjiao who stood out from countless creatures in a state, wouldn't he have one or two hole cards?

"His Royal Highness, this person is cruel and violent, and killed Young Master Nangong. Please also ask your Royal Highness to send out the emperor's soldiers to suppress this monk with us!"

Ren Bingheng even bowed to Xiaoqing Hades, and said.

For example, many Tianjiao all have hole cards, and Xiaoqing Hades, as the elder son of the Qing Hades Palace, is the son of one of the overlords, how could it be possible that he has no hole cards.

The most well-known thing is the most powerful emperor artifact named Sun Moon Spirit Wheel given by Qing Hades.

Xiaoqing Hades once used this treasure to kill an emperor of the Demon Territory and forge his reputation.

If Xiaoqing Hades took out this imperial killer and cooperated with them, why can't he suppress this person?

"not good!"

The longevity goddess trembled.

If these Tianjiao of Qingmingzhou use their hole cards and add an imperial weapon, how can Qin Yi block it?

Most of Tianjiao's trump cards may not be as good as Xiaoqing Hades, but there is no shortage of quasi-emperor artifacts and quasi-emperor talisman.

With so many methods, it is completely possible to kill the emperor.

"What can we do about this? No matter how strong the superior is, it is impossible to beat so many arrogances, and there is one imperial soldier."

The longevity goddess was anxious, but she was helpless.

"His Royal Highness, please!"

The people around snorted and looked at Xiaoqing Hades.

Everyone sneered in their hearts. As long as His Royal Highness invites the emperor to send out the emperor's soldiers, the matter will surely settle here, and this person can only be obediently restrained.

However, Xiaoqing Pluto didn't seem to hear everyone's words, and he didn't say a word or made any actions.

"what happened?"

Ren Bingheng and others are puzzled, but they don't know why.

With this character, how could it be possible that he was almost beheaded, and it was bound to retaliate.

Even for this one, it is not impossible to kill this person on the spot.


At this time, Xiaoqing Pluto finally took a step, taking a step forward, his eyes cold.

'coming! ’

Ren Bingheng and others were overjoyed, and there was a trace of pity and joking in their eyes towards Qin Yi.

"Today is your death date!"

Ren Bingheng stepped on the void and called out his most precious Yanlong hood, his eyes gleaming, and he yelled at Qin Yi from above.

Let your supernatural powers be invincible, and your magical powers are overwhelming. In the face of our general situation, you have to bow your head and admit your punishment!

What about the three extremes, you have to be obedient!

At this moment, Xiaoqing Pluto moved again and saw that he glanced at Qin Yi, and then bowed deeply:

"Thank you for your kindness!"

that moment.

At the foot of Chiyang Mountain, everyone was dumbfounded and looked dull, as if they were turned into clay sculptures.

The smile at the corner of Ren Bingheng's mouth was even more stiff on his face.

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