Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3036: Qingming State Shock

The second son of the main line of the Nangong family, Nangong Jun has fallen in the secret of Beihe!

This news spread to Qingming State at an extremely fast speed, and the entire Qingming State was shaken by it.

"I'll go, is this news really fake?"

"How can the news reported by Tianxuan Tower be false?"

"Hey, that said, this news is true? When did Qing Mingzhou have such a lunatic?"

Countless strong people exclaimed again and again.

Not only Qingmingzhou, but several large states such as Zhenmozhou and Qianjiangzhou near Qingmingzhou were also alarmed.

"Nangong Jun died in the secret of Beihe, wouldn't the Nangong family be furious?"

Some strong sigh.

Nangong family, one of the top ten families of the Great Yin Dynasty.

He is also known for his domineering behavior.

Once you have been a disciple, you can slaughter the city and annihilate the clan, let alone the fall of the second son of the main line?

There are only so many disciples of the Nangong family, and one of them has fallen. For the Nangong family, it is an earth-shattering event.

"That's not it, the second son of the Nangong family, Blood Devouring Sword Sovereign's personal rate of three thousand Mo Yunwei, has rushed to the Beihe Secret, waiting to kill that lunatic."

A strong man who knows the inside story.

"Three thousand Mo Yunwei? Blood Devouring Sword Lord?"

Hearing this, the powerhouses of Zhuzhou couldn't help being shocked.

Mo Yunwei is one of the five guards of the Nangong family and has always been the guardian of the main disciple of the Nangong family.

Perhaps, the reputation is not as good as the other four guards Xuanhe, but no one dares to underestimate Mo Yunwei, who can protect the disciples of the Nangong family, every Mo Yunwei is an elite among the elite.

The leader of Mo Yunwei alone, the God of Chiyang, is a powerful existence who has set foot in the third realm of the emperor!

"Tsk tusk, this battle..."

Some strong people were shocked by the handwriting of the Nangong family:

"Three thousand Mo Yunwei, plus a Blood Devouring Sword Sovereign, are enough to attack the Demon Realm City.

This power is used to deal with a person..."

"That person is dead!"

The strong assert directly.

The two are not at the same level at all, such as the fireflies and the bright moon, the dust and the sacred mountain, are not the same.

Even, the Nangong family's hand, quite a kind of sledgehammer feeling.

Of course, everyone also understands why the Nangong family did this, not just to show their strength.

Like tigers roaring in the mountains and forests, the sound deterrences the beasts of the mountains.

Isn't the Nangong family's move to shock the world?

"Unfortunately, my Qingmingzhou has been silent for a long time, and finally a Tianjiao who dared to ignore the majesty of the Nangong family was born, and the result... alas..."

There are also many strong people who feel sorry for Qin Yi.

Although I don't know Qin Yi's identity, in the eyes of everyone, he only dares to challenge the majesty of Nangong family and kill Nangong Jun, which is enough to make them admire.

Many more powerful men rushed to the secret realm of Beihe, just to meet the fanatic who was worthy of admiration in their eyes.

Of course, there are also the high-levels of the various forces in Qingming State, and even the emperors!

Mo Yunwei shot and killed dozens of Qing Mingzhou Tianjiao, these Tianjiao are the pillars of their respective forces in the future.

The death of these arrogances almost wiped out the future of these forces!

How can the high-levels of these forces not be angry?

They didn't dare to fight against the Nangong family, they could only blame Qin Yi for all the guilt, and rushed to the Beihe secret realm. They must see the people who killed their descendants, Tianjiao, die in front of them.

Among them, the most anxious is the strong man of Wanshouzong.

When they heard about the long-lived goddess, they followed the murderer who killed Nangong Jun, their faces turned green.

Many high-level Wanshouzong rushed to Beihe secret realm in a hurry.

If it is implicated, the Wanshou Sect will be over!

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