Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3037: Beihe secret outside

Cloud world.

In front of Beihe Secret Land.

Three thousand Mo Yunwei stood quietly, like an exquisite sculpture, and like an unsentimental killing machine.

The black armor gleamed in the blazing sun, and the swords and guns were like a forest, and there was a deep chill.

A banner of ink clouds, hunting and flying in the strong wind.


The monstrous evil spirit surged, engulfing infinite soldiers and calamities, sealed off the world and enveloped the entire Beihe secret realm.

Strands of **** patterns are intertwined in the void, turning into a big formation.

The terrifying aura firmly locked the exit of Beihe mystery realm, if it broke out once, it would be earth-shattering!

The strong men who came out of Beihe mystery were almost scared when they saw such a scene.

If Mo Yunwei came up, they would probably step into reincarnation in an instant!

Outside of Mo Yunwei, countless warriors came from all over and gathered here in a hustle and bustle.

The Yun Family of Lingnan City, the Wildfire Sect, the Wanshou Sect, etc., all the high-level powers of all parties in Qingming State have arrived.

"Sect Master Xiao, what is the meaning of the longevity goddess of the Guizong?"

The Sect Master of the Wildfire Sect, the real person of Tianhuo, his eyes were cold, and he looked at the Sect Master of Wanshou with a bad face.

Prior to this, among the dozens of Tianjiao that Mo Yunwei had taken to kill, there were the three most outstanding Tianjiaos of the Wildfire Sect.

All of them were folded here at once, and the hearts of Tianhuo were bleeding!

Not daring to trouble the Nangong family, the real person Tianhuo could only cast his anger on Wanshouzong.

Not only the real person of Tianhuo, but also the high-levels of several powers gathered around and stared coldly at the Sect Master of Wanshou.

The longevity goddess followed Qin Yi all the way, and Qin Yi's actions for the longevity goddess were also spread out with the opening of the Beihe mystery.

"Everyone, this matter is not meant by this sect, but this woman is bold and reckless. She has been expelled from this sect and has nothing to do with it."

The longevity sect master, the longevity Taoist smiled bitterly:

"Furthermore, this girl has also lost several Tianjiao because of this."

This time, the Wanshouzong's loss in the Beihe Secret Realm is not uncommon, not only the Tianjiao under his family has fallen.

The longevity goddess is implicated with Qin Yi, which puts Wanshouzong in an extremely passive position.

In the end, the Daoist of Longevity promised the wildfire sect and other powerful compensations, and then the matter was exposed.

This made the longevity Taoist hate in his heart, and his hatred for the longevity goddess and Qin Yi soared, and they wished to tear them to pieces.

Not only the powerful of Wanshouzong and other forces, but also many casual emperors came and took aim at the five phoenix magic medicine in Qin Yi's hand.

Even the many Tianjiao who came out of the Beihe Secret Realm did not leave, quietly guarding outside the Beihe Secret Realm.

Qin Yi's deeds in the Beihe mystery caused everyone to almost fall into Mo Yunwei's hands. How could everyone have no complaints?

A group of arrogances guarded the secret outside, waiting for Qin Yi to show up, watching how Qin Yi tragically died in the hands of Mo Yunwei.

In short, the North River Secret Realm foreign exchange gathered a large number of powerful people and laid a net of heaven and earth, just waiting for Qin Yi to appear.


As time went by, a patriarch walked out of Beihe's secret realm, and Qin Yi showed no sign.

Nangong Chen impatiently grabbed a few hapless Tianjiao and asked them, but naturally they didn't know one question.

The furious Nangong Chen directly killed those Tianjiao, and those elders of Tianjiao, did not even dare to say a word.

Who dares to provoke this blood-devouring sword master who is in anger?

Moreover, as time passed, Nangongchen's expression became more and more impatient.

The atmosphere outside Beihe Secret has become more and more depressing.

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