Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3044: Could it be that the real fairy came to the world


The horrible breath surged wildly, making countless creatures shudder.

Under this breath, the sky trembled endlessly, as if it might collapse and fall at any time.

Under this breath, many powerful people are far away.

Only Qin Yi stood in front of Beihe's secret realm, unmoved, but like a candlelight teetering in the violent wind, it could be annihilated at any time.

"Really looking for death, uttering wild words, and forgiving Lord Jianjun's life? Did you think that you were a true immortal who came to the world, and the heavens are invincible?"

Chen Changfeng sneered, his eyes becoming more and more contemptuous.

In his opinion, Qin Yi is simply unattainable.

This is a dead end, there is no possibility of survival at all, and dare to speak loudly and anger Nangong Chen?

How could Yinan Gongchen's temper make Qin Yi feel better?


Sometimes death may be a relief.

"Hey, Brother Chen, you can't say that."

A Tianjiao from the Wildfire Sect beside Chen Changfeng said strangely:

"What if someone else is a real celestial being descended into the world? What if I am waiting in his eyes, but just waving ants that can be destroyed?"

Naturally, this was a mockery and caused everyone to laugh.

"Yes, yes, yes, it seems that we are going to witness the rise of a peerless evildoer, the censorship."

"Wow, if he is banished to the world, then am I not the fairy king Linchen!"

"Hahaha, it's so funny, no, I'm going to die!"

Many strong men broke out with shocking laughter.

Everyone had resentment towards Qin Yi, and all kinds of words were extremely harsh.

Even Xiaoqing Pluto and Gu Xiaoyi, who had a lot of affection for Qin Yi, were extremely disappointed in Qin Yi at this time.

I thought that Qin Yi was courageous and fearless of powerful enemies.

But now it seems that it is more arrogant, fascinated by power, thinking that the world is invincible.

To put it simply, it's crazy!

In the great classics of the Great Yin Dynasty, similar examples are unknown.

For example, 70 million years ago, the supreme master of the Nine Luck Sect, the peerless giant of the sixth stage of the emperor, and the old man of Tian Luck fell because of distraction and attacking the Great Yin Emperor Capital alone.

Isn't Qin Yi like this old man?

"It turned out to be a lunatic with a delusion. Forget it, Chi Yang, take this lunatic suppression back to the great prison of the clan, and leave it to Mrs. Qi to draw his soul and refine the soul lamp."

Nangong Chen waved his hand, losing interest in Qin Yi.

Like everyone else, Nangong Chen will also be regarded as a person who has gone into trouble.

The Soul Lamp is an extremely vicious refining technique, a weapon refined with spirits and souls as fuel.

If it is made into a divine soul lamp, the divine soul will be tortured by thousands of swords, and the divine soul will be burnt until the power of the divine soul is worn out.

And because of the immortal nature of the emperor's soul, it is difficult to be destroyed before the lifespan is exhausted.

That is to say, if it is refined into a divine soul lamp, before Qin Yishouyuan is exhausted, he will experience the pain of being burned by the divine soul!

"Yes, second son!"

God Lord Chiyang bowed and should be.

In the next moment, God Sovereign Chiyang rushed into the Mo Yunwei formation and entered the main battle formation.


The gods are brilliant and prestigious.

The vision of the Golden Winged Roc has once again skyrocketed, and the dazzling golden brilliance is flowing down his body.

The huge wings are like immortal immortal gold, engraved with countless lines.

Just like the one who wandered Taixu and looked across the heavens, the ancient Jinpeng came from the ancient wilderness!


Holding tight, the Golden Wing Roc disappeared in place with a move.

A dazzling golden touch across the sky, as if to divide the sun, moon, mountains, rivers, and the heavens into two.

In terms of the ultimate speed, all the great beasts of the heavens and all realms are respected by the Golden Winged Dapeng.

Speed ​​of the heavens, Golden Winged Roc!

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