Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3035: Like a real fairy

Dapeng rose in the same wind in one day, soaring for ninety thousand miles.

This is a description of the golden winged roc bird, in fact, the speed of the golden winged roc is far more than that.

This is not a joke!

For the Golden Winged Dapeng clan, visiting the space together is as simple and casual as eating and drinking water.

An adult golden-winged roc bird can cross 30 million chaotic roads with a flap of its wings!

The entire heavens and all realms are hunting grounds for golden-winged rocs, and every world is just its pastoral garden.

It is said that the ancestor of the Golden-winged Great Peng Bird clan is the Heavenly Sovereign who is in charge of the space. With a thought, he can descend to any place in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Up to nine days, down to Netherworld.


The golden-winged rocbirds made by Mo Yunwei such as the God of Chiyang are not as good as the ancestors of the golden-winged rocs.

However, it is far beyond the average golden-winged roc bird, and not weaker than a golden-winged roc bird at the peak of the third stage.


That golden hui was shuttled, smashing into countless spaces, tearing everything in front of it, and even the laws seemed to be cut off, shaking the universe.

The void shattered, drawing a long and narrow crack.

From the place where Jinpeng's vision was originally located, it runs through the sky and winds tens of thousands of miles away.

One birth and death, one billionth of a breath, this golden brilliance has already come within one mile in front of Qin Yi.

And Qin Yi didn't seem to have reacted, and stood motionless.

"Look, our banished immortal is about to fall!"

The Wildfire Sect Tianjiao laughed, and his eyes were full of mockery.

"The farce is over."

Many Tianjiao silently.


Gu Xiaoyi shook his head, lowered his eyes, and couldn't bear to look.

"I knew that, the deity should have killed this person that day in the Beihe secret realm!"

Xiaoqing Hades flicked his sleeves, threw a word, and turned to leave.

Just when everyone thought that the overall situation was settled, Qin Yi finally made a move, only to see him sigh lightly and lightly lift his right hand.

Jier, pointed out.

This finger looked plain and flat, without a smell of smoke or fire, but it was accurately pointed on the golden brilliance, and on the brow of the golden-winged roc.

Falling into the eyes of God Red Sun and others, it is like falling from the sky, passing through the chaos of the sky, shining the ultimate bright light!

What Golden Winged Roc Bird, what Golden Peng Demon Slaying Battle Array, all disappeared, and was broken by this instruction.




It seems to be ruined and rotten, if it sweeps across the boundless.

The light of this finger broke through the illusion and fell into the battle array of Jinpeng Slaying Devil.

A Mo Yunwei suddenly trembled and let out a miserable howl, then burst into a cloud of blood mist in an instant.

It was like a signal, first, two...ten...hundreds, many Mo Yunwei began to explode one after another, and in the end, except for the God of Chiyang, three thousand Mo Yunwei disappeared.

that moment.

In the sky, there was a shocking rain of blood, which dyed the sky red for thousands of miles!

Outside the Beihe Secret, a group of powerful people from various forces, including many emperors, lost their voices and could not believe it.

The ridicule of many Tianjiao suddenly stopped.

But Xiaoqing Pluto, who was about to leave, just caught a glimpse of this scene from the corner of his eyes. His half-turned figure stagnated and couldn't move.

Everyone's eyes fell on Qin Yi's body.

One finger.

Kill three thousand Mo Yunwei!

Like a banished immortal!

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