Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3046: Maybe it's really banished



But there was a rain.

A rain of blood, the blood of three thousand Mo Yunwei's flesh and blood, dyed the sky and soaked the boundlessness.

Broken arms, stumps, broken bones...falling down.

The earth was dyed red and countless spiritual plants grew crazily. Perhaps, ten thousand years later, this territory will turn into a forbidden secret realm.

But what shocked everyone present was the horrifying scene that three thousand Mo Yunwei didn't have.

Qin Yi pointed and killed three thousand Mo Yunwei in an understatement, calmly and freely, as simple as trying to fetch something.

"Flip... overturned?"

All the spectators are incredible.

This is true whether it is the many arrogances of Qingming State, or the high-levels and emperors of the major forces.

The three thousand Mo Yunwei of Megatron Dayin, just so gone?

"This person won?"

Real Man Tianhuo stared his eyes wide, and he only felt absurd and unruly, he never expected Qin Yi to be so tyrannical.

Such strength is far above him!

"How is this possible, this is the combination of three thousand quasi emperors, and four emperors, how can this person be directed to kill?"

The emperors of all forces did not want to believe it.

In their eyes, Qin Yi was just a junior who had just set foot in the emperor realm, and it was not worth mentioning.

Many emperors, few people take it in their eyes.

As a result, Qin Yi pointed out that he had destroyed three thousand Mo Yunwei, whose strength exceeded their expectations, and simply subverted their imagination.

Such a terrifying strength, placed in the Great Yin Dynasty, is also ranked!

"Does it mean that after completing the three extreme realms and breaking through the emperor realm, will they have such terrible strength?"

Real Longevity frowned.

"No, it is said that the great prince of the Great Yin Emperor Clan has also cultivated into the three extreme realms. After breaking through the emperor realm, it is only worthy of stepping into the second realm."

A red-haired emperor shook his head, secretly frightened.

From the perspective of Qin Yi's cultivation level, he was completely standing at the pinnacle of the third realm, not even inferior to Nangong Chen.

Where did this man come from?

He had just become an emperor with such a tyrannical strength, and given time, he would surely grow into the overlord of Da Yin.

The great emperors are so, not to mention the arrogances.

"No... impossible... how could Mo Yunwei be defeated?"

Chen Changfeng murmured.

At this time, where would he dare to mock Qin Yi?

I didn't see that Mo Yunwei had almost fallen, and only Divine Sovereign Chiyang was left. With such strength, if he wanted to leave, I'm afraid Nangong Chen could not stop him.

In the face of such a horrible existence, where does he dare to speak out?

If he is heard by this one, how can he survive?

"As you said, this one might really be a banished immortal..."

Gu Xiaoyi murmured while looking at the sky.

over there.

Qin Yi slowly retracted his right hand, as if he had done a trivial thing.

He had silver hair and a shawl falling down, his whole body did not have the slightest aura, but standing in the void, it looked like a nine-day immortal overlooking the red dust, watching the world.

The indifferent gaze fell on Nangong Chen.

The two looked at each other calmly, and a tyrannical aura escaped.

The endless spiritual energy in the Wanli Void was pressed by the aura between the two people to boil and surging.

"Okay, okay, very good, it's this monarch who underestimated you, the emperor's third level cultivation base, no wonder you have the courage to face this monarch!"

Nangong Chen was very angry and laughed, and even said three good words, one can imagine how raging his anger is.

Qin Yi pointed, and he could see Qin Yi's cultivation level clearly with a glimpse of surprise.

The third realm of the emperor.

At the same level as Him, not even inferior to Him!

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