Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3048: Tyrant fist, fist strikes the world

Qin Yi stepped on the void, pinched his five fingers, and blasted out a punch.

At the same time, the figure also fell with a punch.

Unspeakable fluctuations swept the world, and the void of thousands of miles was distorted by the sudden explosion of majestic power.

The space is shattered and collapsed to the direction of the fist, sweeping boundlessly.

The unimaginable qi and blood are entangled with the strong fist intent, like a nine-day sacred mountain falling and shaking a thousand.

If the mountain falls, the Three Realms will move!


There is no fancy in this punch, just a simple punch.

Under the blessing of unbelievable vitality and blood, there was violent and domineering that could crush everything.

"Some abilities, but nothing more!"

Nangongchen's expression was without sadness or joy, the bone-chewing sword was unsheathed from his waist, and the sword was cut diagonally.

He slashed with a sword, and the Demon God behind him also slashed with a sword, and the infinite evil spirit surged wildly, flooding the world.

Sickness, calamity, sword intent, the three blended together, and the mighty power swept towards Qin Yi.

Between heaven and earth, countless wailing sounds of gods and demons sounded.

"This is Demon Soul Eater!"

Divine Lord Chiyang's eyes lit up and shouted loudly.

It is said that the second son practiced a sutra of the godless, which originated from the demon realm, "Devil Sutra", which is extremely powerful and terrifying.

Demon Soul Eater is the strongest killing and cutting martial arts in the Demon Sutra.

The Second Young Master once relied on this martial arts, defeated an emperor of the same rank in the Demon Realm with one sword, and killed his emperor's body.

Incredibly horrible!

"Junior, the emperor is unpredictable, and the monarch has practiced for nearly an era before he can be respected by the emperor.

You have just entered the imperial realm for the first time, I am afraid you have not practiced the real imperial martial arts. "

Nangongchen smiled faintly, joking and contemptuous in his eyes.

The combat power of an emperor is not only determined by the cultivation base, magical powers, martial arts, secret methods, emperor soldiers, etc., are all part of the emperor's strength.

Among the emperors, why is there a distinction between a veteran emperor?

Not only the difference in personal strength, but also because of the powerhouses who have just entered the emperor realm, and their magical powers and martial arts are still at the quasi-emperor level, or they barely master one or two imperial martial arts learn.

It may be possible to rule the roost at the quasi-emperor level, but compared with the veteran emperor who has been immersed in the emperor realm for countless years, it is countless times worse!

In the eyes of Nangongchen, no matter how enchanting Qin Yi is, it is impossible to quickly master martial arts and supernatural powers that match his realm.

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong!"

Qin Yi snorted coldly.

His fist did not change, his five fingers overflowed with light, and his fist marks changed thousands of times in one thousandth of his breath.

In the end, it turned into a boxing move that dominates the world. It was the first method of the boxing, and the boxing swept the world.

I am the emperor, and peace the world!

This is Qin Yi's most fundamental boxing technique. The foundation of boxing is originally only a local martial arts, but later he upgraded to imperial martial arts with a killing point.

Since then, Qin Yi has never used the killing point to improve this fist, but instead uses his own insight to deduct it, constantly improving the rank of this fist.

In his continuous practice, he has incorporated countless martial arts and supernatural powers, and he has surpassed the original barriers.

Promoted to Imperial High-level Martial Arts!

Although it is only the first form of boxing, it seems simple, but it contains immeasurable changes in boxing.


With a movement of Qin Yi's body, he ran through thousands of miles in an instant, crashing into the monstrous sea of ​​evil spirits that flooded the world.

Then, in Nangong Chen's surprised expression, he pierced the ocean of evil spirits.

Then, with the momentum of suppressing the heavens, breaking the layers of space, and heading towards Nangong Chen.

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