Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3049: Nangong Chen, lose


Nangong Chen showed shock for the first time.

Even if Qin Yi killed three thousand Mo Yunwei with a single sword, Nangong Chen was still calm, and he could no longer remain calm at this time.

"You actually mastered such a martial arts, this lord is looking away."

Nangongchen squinted her eyes slightly, her eyes filled with cold light, and her killing intent was awe-inspiring:

"But that's it!"

The evil spirits boiled, evolving countless gods and demons, neighing and roaring, as if to open up a world of evil spirits hell.

The Bone Chewing Sword shook, changed the sword's strength, and suddenly stabbed out.

In an instant, if the ancient troll pulls up a world, embraces the sun and the moon, and throws down the emptiness and chaos in one fell swoop.

The troll lifts the sky, the worlds sink!

"it is good!"

Qin Yi's eyes lit up, and his breath opened.

Void stepped up, squeezed into a hammer, used the hammer as the momentum to break through countless spaces, and brazenly greeted the sword of Nangong Chen.

Wanli Void was squeezed to pieces by the strongest force and returned to nothingness.

The torrent of fist and intent is like a galaxy flowing backwards, crushing thousands of mountains, cutting off the rolling rivers and oceans, and the mighty power permeates several large states, which is touching.

For example, the creatures of the billions of borders in Qingming Prefecture, and even several nearby large states, as long as they look up, they can see this ruining scene!


Hammer and sword strike.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the sounds between the heavens and the earth seemed to disappear, leaving only roars.

The power that destroys the sky and the earth swells sharply at the collision of the two, annihilating everything around them.



The moment the two collided, the void of Wanli's territory seemed to be beaten into chaos, and everything ceased to exist.

Just a ray of aftermath that dissipated, like a storm of extinction, almost overwhelming thousands of miles of sky.

"Go, go!"

The strong crowds onlookers made their scalp numb.

The aftermath of the two shots has already enveloped them, and they will be affected if they don't leave.

Even many emperors had to protect their descendants and retreat.

"He, he is so strong!"

Xiaoqing Pluto's eyes widened and he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

It was unimaginable that Qin Yi could compete with Nangong Chen just as he broke through the emperor realm.

You know, Nangongchen even praised his father, and if he is fighting in the same realm, his father is not necessarily an opponent.

However, Qin Yi was able to compete with Nangong Chen and even had the upper hand for a time.


Nangong Chen's body trembled, and he retreated nine steps in the void, and this stopped his figure, but Qin Yi did not retreat half a step.

Nangongchen's expression was ugly to the extreme. This time he was suppressed by Qin Yi:

"A mere junior who has just become an emperor is actually stronger than the monarch?"

He clearly stepped on the pinnacle of the third realm, how mighty his power was, and he looked down upon the powerful of the same rank in the Great Yin Dynasty, and those who could compare with him, but only a few.

"I don't believe it!"

Nangong Chen yelled violently, slashed with a sword, and furious.


Qin Yi said concisely, his brows were indifferent, and he punched out.




In one birth and death, the two fought more than thousands of times, and the vastness of the fist ripped through the sky, and the evil spirits were overwhelming and annihilated.

The complexions of the emperors of Qingmingzhou changed wildly, bursting out with powerful forces to protect and hold Qingmingzhou.

What shocked the emperors most was that from beginning to end, Nangong Chen was suppressed by Qin Yi.

In the end, he was beaten by Qin Yi for 30 million miles!

The infinite evil spirit was swept away by fist energy and blood, and the evil spirit devil was crushed into nothingness by one punch!

Nangong Chen, lose!

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