Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3059: Xuan Han Long's House

No night city.

An inconspicuous small city in Qingmingzhou, if there is anything special, it is nothing more than a sect called Feixingmen, located here.

Feixingmen, the refining sect, has a good name in Qingmingzhou.

The whole family lives by refining war weapons for people.

A refiner is similar to an alchemist, and has a status higher than that of a general practitioner. Although the Feixing gate is not large, relying on the refiner, it is still in the Qingming State.

In the center of Nightless City, a hammer-like building towered into the clouds, the handle of the hammer was hundreds of thousands of feet high, and it could be seen in a radius of thousands of miles.

This is the symbol of the Feixing Gate, and it is rumored to be left by the ancestors of the Feixing Gate.


The sky above.

Streaming light passed by and fell into the door of the flying stars.

If you look carefully, there are hundreds of thousands of feet in the streamer, large flying boats, car wheels, or other vehicles with flashes of inspiration.

There was even a blue water dragon from the ancient sacred realm, hovering over a magnificent palace and flew into the city of Infinite Nights, arousing an exclaim.

"That's not the Yuntian Qingjiao. Who would dare to use it as a mount? I'm not afraid of the Yuntian Qingjiao clan in Xuanhan Prefecture and trouble him?"

"You don't know, this is Miss Xuan Hanlong's car."

"Xuanhan Long's family? No wonder Yun Tianqing Jiao could be allowed to succumb."

In the city of no night, in a restaurant, the voices are full.

"Xuan Hanlong's house?"

The wine glass in Qin Yiqing's hand, the faint fragrance of wine lingered in his nose.

"Looking back, the Xuanhan Dragon family is the top power in Xuanhan Prefecture, second only to the Xuanhan Prefecture Palace. It is said that the blood of the clan is inherited from the real dragon clan."

The longevity goddess said respectfully.

"The blood of the true dragon family?"

Qin Yi raised his brows and became interested.

The bloodline of the true dragon clan is so tyrannical, it is one of the top divine beast races of the heavens and the world, alongside the true phoenix and kunpeng.

As soon as the members of the clan reach adulthood, they can set foot in the emperor realm, which is extremely terrifying!

The descendants of this race are also extremely powerful.

The deity of Qin Yi has the blood of a true dragon, but under the power of the system, the blood of the deity has been traced back to its origin, surpassing most members of the true dragon clan.

However, it is undeniable that the blood of the true dragon clan is terrible, and Qin Yi also relied on the blood of the true dragon to defeat powerful enemies many times.

"Yes, it is said that the ancestor of Xuanhan Dragon's family had a relationship with a real dragon and gave birth to a dragon descendant. After countless years of development, it has grown stronger.

There are countless strong people in the clan, and there is no shortage of emperors, and they are just one step away from the ranks of the top ten families. "

The Goddess of Longevity Sky is solemn.

Although the Xuanhan Long Family is not as good as the Nangong Family and other Great Yin's ten great families, the various forces in the Great Yin dare not look down upon it.

The Xuanhan Long Family has its current status, not only by the power of blood, but the prestige that Xuanhan Long Family has gained step by step.

"Hey! But some dragon cubs are all hybrids, what's worth paying attention to, the dragon liver and dragon blood of pure blood dragons, my grandsons don't take less!"

At this moment, standing behind Qin Yi, the black-robed man who had been silent and covered in black robes suddenly spoke.

When the black robe man opened his mouth, the longevity girl could not help shaking.

She didn't know where she brought this black robe.

However, she could not forget the feeling of seeing the black-robed man at the first time, but when she met this person's eyes, her spirit almost collapsed.

That kind of feeling, it seemed that she was facing an immortal king who descended from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, and it was like an ancient beast that came from the ancient prehistoric.

And she is just an ant, whose life level is crushed.

Like a **** like a devil, Peimo can be the master!

Simply, the other party did not intend to kill, nor did he care about her, otherwise she might have fallen, and she would be wiped out by that glance.

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