Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3060: Monkey King, Monkey King

"Great Sage, Xuan Han Long Family naturally can't compare with you, this..."

The longevity goddess trembling, explained quickly.

However, the more anxious, the more hesitated to speak.

The black-robed people looked at the longevity goddess with interest, and the pressure on the longevity goddess suddenly increased.

"Well, Goku, don't bully her either."

Fortunately, Qin Yi spoke and relieved the longevity goddess.

"Yes, sir."

As soon as Qin Yi spoke, with the stubborn temperament of the black-robed man, he had to calm down and stop teasing the eternal goddess.

The longevity goddess breathed a sigh of relief, and Qin Yi smiled and didn't care too much. It wasn't that the black-robed man targeted the longevity goddess because of his personality.

As recorded in previous lives, this guy is so perverse and rebellious that few people can compare with it in the entire Three Realms.

Raise the flag against the sky and make a noise in the palace!

Stealing Queen Mother's flat peaches, stealing Laojun Jindan, and forcibly stepping on Lingxiao Palace.

A properly lawless, arbitrarily reckless, unruly generation who is acting in a fight against the heavens and the earth, if it were not for system constraints, Qin Yi would not necessarily be able to suppress him.

That's right.

The black robe man is the Monkey King, Monkey King!

"Character: Monkey King;

Identity: Huaguoshan Shuiliandong Cave Master, Monkey King, Monkey King, Bi Mawen, Tang Seng Great Disciple, Sun Xingzhe, one of the Seven Great Sages of Monster Race, Hunyuan Yiqi Fang Taiyi Golden Fairy;

Realm: The seventh realm of the emperor (the late Jinxian period);

Weapons: Golden Cudgel, Chain Golden Armor, Phoenix-winged Purple Golden Crown, etc.;

Martial Arts: Dapin Tianxian Jue, somersault cloud, seventy-two transformations of earth evil, law of heaven and earth etc

Talent: SS. "

The previous three summons, the last system summon, and the only obedience summon, were drawn to Monkey King.

This should be regarded as the second time Qin Yi has drawn Monkey King, and the last time he has drawn Monkey King. Because of a system error, he failed to allow Monkey King to descend into the heavens, leaving only one hair behind.

Afterwards, in the collision with Xuan Ye Demon Clan, Qin Yi summoned Monkey King and killed Emperor Xuan Ye with one stick, which relieved the danger of the imperial dynasty.

After so long, he finally summoned his true body again.

Three calls.

Universe in the sleeves, Hunyuan Yiqi Pill, Monkey King Monkey King.

This time, Qin Yi made a lot of money. It can even be said that this is Qin Yi's most profitable summon, none of them!

One seven-star supernatural power, one middle-rank emperor pill, and one invincible demon saint!

These three, even if Qin Yi just summoned one, they had already earned it, let alone summoned all three at the same time.

One can imagine how excited our emperor was when he learned the result of the summoning.

In systematic terms, he laughed like a three-hundred-jin fat man.


Of course, according to the emperor's words, the system's words are slander.

Thinking that he was the lord of the imperial dynasty, the lord of the Tianyao continent, and the hegemon of the eastern frontier, how could he be overjoyed?

What the system says is fake!

Yes, exactly.

System: "Oh, host!"

The grievances between the emperor and the system will not be mentioned for the time being. Just talking about this call, Qin Yi's confidence in this trip will be sufficient.

Not to mention the improvement of his own combat power, with Monkey King in the world, wouldn't it be possible for him to let him move in all directions.

You know, there are no giants in the Seven Prisons.

Of course, Qin Yi would not take it lightly.

The Seven Prison World is the base camp of the Seven Prison Gates. Who knows if the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign has left any means for the remaining gatekeepers of the Seven Prison Gates.

Such as Dilu Temple Spirit, it is not impossible to leave these quasi-celestial weapons, and even the heavenly weapons.

For now, caution is the best.

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