Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3072: Xuanyi man, dead


The unimaginable breath rose from the Feixing Gate.


The creatures in the entire City of Nights trembled and knelt to the ground, only to feel that an indescribable deity was rising.

When everyone looked, they saw a young man walking out of the Feixing Gate.

A gorgeous black robe painted with star patterns and roaring ape is ancient and majestic, just like an emperor who controls the world.

The young man's eyes were dark, his face was as deep as water, and he stepped on quickly, surrounded by the high-levels of the Flying Star Gate.

Beside him, there is a woman with a golden dragon lingering around her.

"Miss Long Family, Fairy Longyue."

When they saw this woman, everyone around them exclaimed.

Isn't this one Miss Long Family?

Does that mean that the black-robed youth on the side is the elder son of the Demon Ape Palace, Luan Yuanhou, the master of the Xuanyi man.

"The star pattern is painted, and the devil ape is a painting. This is the costume of the devil ape palace! Only a few people in the entire devil ape palace can wear it, it is really a chaotic ape!

A strong man from the Demon Ape State, his pupils shrank and couldn't help exclaiming.

Chaos Hou.

The Lord Hou, who was proclaimed by Emperor Great Yin, is a great figure in the world.

The cultivation base of his life is incredibly tyrannical, which is comparable to those in power of the major forces, far from being comparable to those of the general emperor realm.

Everyone regards the fourth-level powerhouses as the prince-level powerhouses, but not all the fourth-level powerhouses are proclaimed by the Great Yin Emperor.

You know, the entire Great Yin Dynasty has been able to get the pro-appointment of Lord Hou Ye, so far, there are no more than ten!

Everyone is an existence that shakes the world!

It is said that Marquis of the Ape had fought hard against five demon lords, achieved a record of one death, two wounds and three escapes, and his combat power was earth-shattering, which was able to be sealed by the Great Yin Emperor himself.


The red-armored man has a numb scalp and an ugly face.

When things developed to this point, even Luan Yuanhou was alarmed.

With Luan Yuanhou's temperament, this matter may not end well.

He can no longer intervene in the rest of the matter, he can only retreat aside with the Fei Xingmen disciples.

"Your Highness, save me, save me!"

The man in Xuanyi heard the voice of Chaoshouhou and was overjoyed.


His Highness spoke, and his life could be saved!

"Stop, let go of Lord Lei Ze!"

Luan Yuanhou's voice was cold, his eyes suppressed Sen Ran's anger.

The man in Xuan Yi represents the face of the Demon Ape King's Mansion, and even his face. However, in the presence of everyone in Wuyecheng, when Monkey King stepped on him, how could he not be angry?

It was also his face that was stepped on by Monkey King!

"Let him go? Okay!"

Monkey King sneered with a faint voice.


Then, stepping on her foot, Pei Ran burst out vigorously in an instant.

The man in Xuanyi who was excited, his soul and his body were crushed by Monkey King and exploded into a cloud of blood.

Before he died, the man in Xuanyi had a look of astonishment, and he couldn't imagine that Monkey King dared to make a move after Luan Yuanhou spoke!

that moment.

There was dead silence in front of the door of Feixing.

Luan Yuanhou's expression was even stiff on his face.

How dare you? How dare this person?

Even Fairy Longyue was taken aback for a while, showing a surprised expression.

"Damn, Benhou told you to stop, do you know what you are doing?"

next moment.

An angry roar came from the mouth of Chaos Monkey Hou, shaking the whole world, like an ancient demon ape roaring.

The world is shaking!

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