Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3073: Furious Chao Hou

"This Nima?"

"Where are the murderers who popped up? The people in the Demon Ape King's Mansion will kill as soon as they say they are killed. Like this Tyrant Boxer, they are also lawless people."

"Sure enough, it is a demon, and only the demon of the Demon Realm can act so lawlessly, without the slightest scruples!"

The crowd on the sidelines looked at the scene in front of them and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Many strong people feel that their brains are not enough, and the whole person is stupid.

This is Lei Zewei's commander of the Demon Ape Palace. One side is powerful, representing the face of the Demon Ape Palace and cannot be offended by others.

Even Qing Hades Palace must give him face, and forces such as the Fei Xingmen must bow down!

Not to mention, even Luan Yuanhou has come forward to stop it.

However, Monkey King still trampled the Xuanyi man to death!

Lawless, these four words are not enough to describe the arrogance of Monkey King!

"I'm going, this..."

The Red Armored General's eyes widened, his heart trembled, and he took a breath.

He didn't expect Monkey King to be so cruel, arbitrarily and recklessly.

At the same time, he also understood that this matter could no longer be kind. If Sun Wukong had released the man in Xuanyi before, there was still room for maneuver.

Then, now the Xuanyi man died in front of the chaos, and with the chaos, there is no possibility of reconciliation!

The eyes of Chaos Monkey Hou were cold, like a swath of invisible deep pools.

The killing intent is like a nine secluded cold current, moving through the soul.


Luan Yuanhou's nose kept shrinking, and his chest undulated violently.

How dare this person?

In the presence of so many people, slamming his subordinates to death on his foot is completely slapped directly on his face.

Think of him as a magnificent Lord Yin, the eldest son of the Demon Ape Palace, has he ever suffered such humiliation?

Under the eyes of everyone, if he didn't say anything, then how could he still gain a foothold in the Great Yin Dynasty in the future?


The heavens and the earth shook, as if hundreds of millions of stars burst at the same time, bursting out with earth-shaking sounds.

When Master Hou was angry, he was waiting for a moment, and the nearby tens of thousands of miles trembled in the void, overwhelmed, and he let out a ‘click’.

"So courageous, do you know who you killed?"

Luan Yuanhou's eyes flashed with red light, his tyrannical aura was not concealed.

The Demon Ape King, it is said that he was originally a member of the Blue Scale Demon Ape Clan, but later defected from the Demon Realm and submitted to the Great Yin Dynasty, and was named the Demon Ape King by the Great Yin Emperor.

Luan Yuan Hou is his son, and naturally has the blood of the Blue Scale Demon Ape.

The blue scale demon ape clan, when they are angry, they act close to the animal nature, and their combat power is also far more terrifying than normal.

Chaoshouhou, at this moment there is a sign of madness.

"It's a stray dog ​​that can't help but scream, and has no ability to bark. My grandson cares who he is!"

Monkey King stood with his hand in his hand and didn't care.

A stray dog, dare to insult the emperor, then **** it!

The emperor is majestic, not to be profaned!

"Wild dog? That is also my dog, who dares to move and die!"

Luan Yuan Hou was furious, his eyes overflowing with fierce light.

With a roar, infinite black light bloomed all over his body, covering all directions, and the endless devilish energy waded through thousands of miles of void like molten lava.

In an instant, even the void was corroded through, and terrifying fluctuations spread through thousands of miles.

An ape with blue scaly armour emerged from the devil's energy, like a **** like a demon, incredibly violent!

The entire Qingmingzhou has already been shaken by it before he did it.

"A little monkey?"

Monkey King raised his eyebrows and grinned.

A little monkey cub, dare to shout in front of him?


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