Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3074: Attention of the Great Yin Emperor

Dome the world.

The devilish energy is overwhelming, covering the sun and the moon, covering hundreds of thousands of miles of sky.

A huge ape covered with dark blue scaly, stepped on the boundless feet, like a magnificent mountain.


This ape roared and set off endless waves.

The sky shook, and the spiritual energy and essence above the sky were shaken by this roar, bursting, and rolling up the sky.

Suddenly, this terrifying scene can be seen in the territory of hundreds of millions of miles.

The creatures in Qingmingzhou and several other big states looked at the ape who supported the sky and the ground, and could not help being shocked and inexplicably trembling with fear in their hearts.

"Do not!"

"Has the natural disaster come?"


Countless cities were affected, countless creatures hissed and cried, and they fainted with fright.

The nearby city was directly shattered and shattered into ruins, that is, a series of gods appeared on the ground, transforming into a large formation, sheltering these creatures, otherwise there would be countless deaths and injuries.

"What's wrong? What happened in Qingmingzhou?"

"This is the Blue Scale Demon Ape. Could it be that the Blue Scale Demon Ape Clan has been detained? Is there a strong person from the Blue Scale Demon Ape Clan who sneaked into Qingming State?"

"No, it's not right, that's Chaoshouhou!"

An emperor realm powerhouse's divine consciousness soared into the sky, lowering his eyes.

"Ran Yuanhou? He is not pursuing Fairy Longyue of Xuanhan Long Family. What kind of madness is this?"

There are strong doubts.

"It was because he was pursuing Fairy Longyue that something happened."

A slender red-haired man smiled.

"What's the answer to this?"

The strong people asked.

"It is said that Fairy Longyue possesses the real dragon veins, and the yin and yang dragon qi is conceived in his body for thousands of years. If he mingles with yin and yang, he can explore the mystery of the yin and yang avenue deeper."

The red-haired man smiled:

"Long Yuan Hou, like his father, walks the cathode magic way. If he can be combined with Longyue Fairy, he may transform his own way into a Yin and Yang way."

"For this reason, he used his father's power to pressure the Xuanhan Long Family, forcing the Xuan Han Long Family to agree to his request and even cover up the news on Fairy Longyue."

"That's it!"

Many strong people nodded.

If it's because of Wanzai Yin Yang Dragon Qi, then it makes sense.

These treasures will only be bred in the body of a woman with a true dragon vein. When the yin and yang are combined, the gods of both parties can be directly integrated into the yin and yang avenue, and the laws of the avenue can be realized.

It is of great benefit to the Fenghou-level, and even the powerful king-level.

Many emperor realm powerhouses are also bright in front of them, some are ready to move.

Before that, although they heard that Fairy Longyue was somewhat special, they didn't know that Fairy Longyue actually possessed yin and yang dragon energy for ten thousand years.

Now that I know, everyone can't help but be moved!


At this moment, a violent roar awakened everyone.

Many emperor realm powerhouses looked at the frantic Chaoshouhou in the distance, and their hearts were stunned. With this guy there, even if they had the intention, they were powerless.

Luan Yuan Hou may be okay, but the Demon Ape King behind him, not everyone dares to offend.

At least, many of the emperor realm powerhouses present did not have the courage.

‘A group of bullies. ’

The red-haired man smiled at the many powerful emperors.

He didn't know what everyone thought, after all, the Demon Ape King came from the Demon Realm, behaved violently and perversely, adhering to the Demon Realm's standard.

Even though they are both powerful kings, there are few people who dare to oppose them.

"I don't know where the Tyrant Boxing Master came out of nowhere. What confidence does he have to fight the Demon Ape Palace?"

The red-haired man's eyes were faint, straddling countless spaces and falling on Qin Yi.

In his eyes, there is inquiry, curiosity, and deep thinking.

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