Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3075: He has absolute confidence

"What is your dependence?"

The red-haired man's eyes flickered, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.


The background of the Demon Realm, even as a disciple of the Lord of the Demon Realm, did not necessarily work well in the Great Yin Dynasty.


Luan Yuan Hou is a Lord Hou. He has already entered the fourth stage. He is also himself weaker than his opponent.

Judging from Qin Yi's breath, his cultivation is only in the third realm.

"Is this black robe man?"

The red-haired man moved his expression and looked at the black-robed man facing Luan Yuanhou.

"From the aura point of view, it should be a powerhouse of the fourth stage, but that's the case, it's not enough to win ten thousand years of Yin and Yang dragon energy from the hands of Chaos Yuanhou."

The redhead shook his head.

In his view, Qin Yi's goal should be the ten thousand years of Yin and Yang dragon energy in Fairy Longyue, and if he wants to win the ten thousand years of Yin and Yang dragon energy, a fourth stage Hou Ye is not enough.

Behind Luan Yuanhou, there is still a Demon Ape Palace!

If there is a king-class powerhouse to come forward, it will be almost the same, Qin Yi said that he can't even fight with Luan Yuanhou.

"How can this be possible for a king-level powerhouse?"

Thinking of this, the red-haired man laughed himself.

How does a king-level powerhouse exist?

Today, the first-class existence, in charge of the universe, whether in the Demon Realm or in the Great Yin Dynasty, is the top powerhouse.

For example, the kings of the thirteen states of the Great Yin Dynasty, each of them was the great white jade pillar of the Great Yin Dynasty, suppressing hundreds of millions of creatures in a state.

How can such an existence come forward for such trivial matters?

"This black-robed man is not simple."

A strong man in black suddenly spoke.

His hair was burning like flames, his eyes were golden eyes, and his body was covered with golden dragon patterns, like a flame demon god, and many powerful emperors around him were also faintly afraid.

"Brother Zhao, what does this mean?"

The red-haired man raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the dignified black-clothed man.

This brawny man in black comes from Wuding Prefecture. He is a powerful elder of the top sect and the top five of the sect.

In terms of strength, he is also a prince-level figure in the fourth stage.

"Although this black-robed man has never fully revealed his breath, the faintly revealed aura seems to be far more than the fourth stage."

The burly man in black had a solemn expression, and seemed to be jealous.

His practice is somewhat special, and he has a special sense of breath.

In his perception, the black-robed man stood there, like a wild beast that suppressed the heavens and the world and held infinite mighty power.

Just a quick glance, his mind was completely suppressed.

Only the power of scale claws can crush the king!

"Could it be that he still doesn't exist in the Fifth Realm?"

The man in red didn't care.

There are only a few of the existence of Da Yin and Demon Realm Sealed King level.

As the elder of the Xuanji Tower, he may have missed the information of the various powerful people that he has come into contact with, and he may not know it.

However, he knew everything about the world's powerful kings.

Among them, there is absolutely no such black-robed person.

"However, the threat he brings to this seat is definitely not just to seal the rank."

The strong man in black frowned.


The red-haired man frowned and he couldn't help but hesitate. He also understood the peculiarity of the black-haired brawny's practice.

Moreover, the strong man in black is not a targetless person.

Of course, he would never think that the black-robed man was a powerful king-class, this was simply impossible.

He has absolute confidence!

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