Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3083: The thoughts of the Long Family Patriarch and others

The Long Family Hall.

The whole body of the main hall is pitch black, giving people an extremely heavy sense of oppression, just like the stars above the nine heavens, and the power of the stars in the hall is almost turned into liquid.

Practicing in it, the concentration of aura is dozens of times higher than the outside world.

According to the Long Family Patriarch, this palace was made by his father, the True Dragon King, who extracted the essence of stars from countless stars in this realm.

Carrying the power of Zhou Tian's stars, its weight is comparable to the sun and the moon!

The weight alone is enough to crush the strongest emperors in the first or second realm.

In the hall.

Qin Yi sat high on the main seat, standing at the top of the hall, Monkey King and the Longevity Goddess were arranged on the left and right, and everyone in the Long family took the second seat in turn.

After entering the Long Family Hall, the Long Family Patriarch enthusiastically invited Qin Yi to the main seat, and Qin Yi was not polite and sat down calmly.

The other strong people of the Long family, except for some of the younger generation who have quite a bit of criticism, the other strong people watch their noses and their hearts without saying a word.

"Haha! According to the little girl, the boxer came to ask for something from my Long family. I don't know what boxer asked for?"

The Patriarch of the Long Family smiled heartily, and Fang Fangzheng's face was full of smiles.

"My Long Family will definitely do everything possible to satisfy the boxing lord's request."

The Patriarch of the Long Family is very atmospheric.

Qin Yi didn't make a roundabout way, and went straight to the subject: "Here, I came here to get a look at the library of the Long Family. I wonder if the Patriarch can agree?"

"Into the library?"

Patriarch of the Long Family was slightly surprised.

He looked at each other with the Long Family Elder, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

This is different from what they expected!

In the thinking of the two, Qin Yi came here to marry the Dragon family and marry Fairy Longyue. With the help of Fairy Longyue's body of Yin-Yang Dragon Qi, he could break through the pass of the fourth realm.

If so, they are also happy to see it happen, and even intentionally make it happen.

Whether it is Sun Wukong, the ‘king-ranked powerhouse’, or the bloodline power in Qin Yi’s body, it is particularly tempting to the Long Family.

Monkey King can be an ally of the Dragon family.

The true dragon bloodline of Qin Yi is more valued by the Long Family Patriarch and others.

Although, the Patriarch of the Long Family did not agree with his female Longyue Fairy, how could the dignified Zulong be connected with Qin Yi?

However, it is undeniable that the concentration of true dragon blood in Qin Yi is extremely high!

For families like the Xuanhan Long Family that rely on blood inheritance, the blood inheritance of disciples in the clan is the most important thing.

With the passage of time, the concentration of the true dragon bloodline of the disciples born in the clan will only get lower and lower.

Qin Yiruo combined with Longyue Fairy and gave birth to heirs whose true dragon blood density inevitably exceeded that of most of the Long Family disciples.

Even, reaching the true dragon king, or a higher bloodline level!

It's just that they think it's bad.

Qin Yi did not come for marriage, but for the library.

"Why, Patriarch disagrees?"

Qin Yi frowned.

"This one……"

The Patriarch of the Long Family hesitated. The Long Family Collection Pavilion contained various secret techniques of the Long Family, including the Long Family’s inherited emperor classics, supernatural powers, and martial arts.

Even if he wanted to go in and take a look, he had to get the consent of the elders.

Not to mention, the many Long Family powerhouses present who want to enter must exchange huge credit for them.

At the moment, there was a long-term elder who couldn't bear it and wanted to speak.

At this moment, the Patriarch of the Long Family and the others had a solemn face, and suddenly stood up, even Qin Yi raised his brows and moved slightly.

In an instant.

Inside the hall, there seemed to be a Ruoyouruowu dragon chant sounded.

The wisps of divine intent shook the space in the hall, and the power of countless stars rolled and surging, and the family land of Xuan Han Long's family also trembled.

A figure appeared quietly in the center of the hall.

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