Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3084: True Dragon King

In the hall.

A strand of golden divine brilliance floated, turning into a dazzling figure.

A pair of indifferent and distant eyes suddenly opened, the divine intent was slightly dissipated, and the power of the stars in the hall was blown and moved.

"Unscrupulous offspring, see the ancestor!"

As soon as they saw the figure, the high-level experts of the Long Family in the hall knelt down instantly.

Including the Long Family Patriarch, they are all respectful to the utmost, and they call it father.

"Ancestor, True Dragon King?"

Qin Yi's eyes fluctuated, recalling Fairy Longyue's introduction.

According to Fairy Longyue, the True Dragon King is her grandfather, and the founder of the Xuanhan Dragon family, a powerful king-class.

Although not as great as the king of the thirteen states of Yin, he is also a strong man in the world.


The figure, or the true dragon king stepped out one step, Jin Hui disappeared.

This is a majestic middle-aged man dressed in a purple robe, a blond shawl, and a golden dragon lingering around him.

The True Dragon King's face was square, with unspeakable domineering in his eyes.

In every gesture, countless laws roared!

With one foot on the void, all heavens seemed to surrender to it.

At the first sight of the true dragon king, the longevity goddess trembled, and she only felt that she wanted to kneel down in front of the true dragon king.


Fortunately, a more domineering will rose in his mind, directly suppressing and obliterating this thought.


The longevity goddess returned to her senses, and then looked at the true dragon king, with fear in her eyes.

She knew very well that this was not the true dragon king deliberately targeting her, but the power of his body reached a kind of extreme, touched the world, and naturally radiated influence.

The creatures under the emperor realm, the first sight they saw, they were likely to be imprinted, and there was no possibility of a breakthrough in the cultivation base, and even surrender to the true dragon king.

You know, before the longevity goddess met Qin Yi, the Tianjiao who was in the forefront of Qingmingzhou almost perished her.

One can imagine how terrible the True Dragon King is!

In Qin Yi's eyes, although the True Dragon King only stepped out without exerting the power of the source, the feeling that the center of heaven and earth was all in my face was paved.

Take one step, the world rotates, and the center of the world also falls!

This True Dragon King can be said to be the strongest person Qin Yi has ever seen since entering the Seven Prisons World. At least, this clone is not an opponent of the True Dragon King.

Of course, he was never afraid.

The corner of Qin Yi's mouth twitched, and his body leaned forward: "True Dragon King, do you want to give the deity a horse?"

Although his voice was calm, the brilliance and unparalleled will contained in it rolled and moved, setting off an endless frenzy in the Long Family Hall, as he leaned forward and fell under pressure.

The many high-level experts in the Long Family were suddenly surprised.


Monkey King raised his eyelids, revealing a pair of cold eyes.

The hearts of many strong dragons exploded, and the cold sweat went down instantly.

"Master Boxing misunderstood, I didn't mean it!"

The True Dragon King smiled faintly, as if he hadn't noticed the coldness in Monkey King's eyes, nor was he affected by Monkey King.

Fairy Longyue on the side found her grandfather's hands trembling slightly.

In words, he put his posture under Qin Yi!

She has never seen her grandfather like this. Even when facing the emperor, her grandfather is not so cautious, yes, it is cautious, just like when she faced her grandfather.

who are you?

Fairy Longyue was confused, and then looked at Qin Yi, with doubts, curiosity and exploration in his eyes.

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