Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3086: The Origin of the True Dragon King

"Moreover, in the Seven Prisons Great World, no one has been promoted to the seventh stage, even the Great Demon Lord and the Great Yin Emperor are locked in the sixth stage peak."

The True Dragon King looked at Monkey King with scorching eyes, and said.

This is the real reason why he affirmed that Qin Yi and Qin Yi came from outside the Seven Prisons.

The Seven Prisons World has gone through countless years since the establishment of the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign. Even if the Seven Prison Gates collapsed, no one has surpassed the years and achieved the seventh state.

When he saw Monkey King for the first time, the True Dragon King saw that this giant had already achieved the seventh realm.

That kind of oppression, the unfathomable breath, even the Great Yin Emperor!

Such existence must come from outside the Seven Prison World.

"Oh? You little dragon boy, your cultivation is not good, but your eyesight is good."

Monkey King looked up and smiled.

The faint laughter made the True Dragon King's heart tense, and his heart swayed, as if being stared at by a fierce beast from the ancient times.

It could be swallowed by Monkey King at any time.

"My lord is absurd."

Real Dragon King quickly laughed.

"Okay, don't gossip, the deity asks you, do you know the whereabouts of the seven prison orders?"

Qin Yi did not talk too much nonsense, and asked concisely.

At this point, he didn't need to hide it anymore.

Instead of wasting time to find the whereabouts of the Seven Prison Orders at the Long Family Collection Pavilion, it is better to directly ask the True Dragon King. With the status of the True Dragon King, it is estimated that the various secrets of the Great Yin Dynasty are rarely hidden from him.

"Seven Prison Order?"

Hearing this, the True Dragon King was taken aback, thinking of something, and fell into deep thought.

"Why, you don't know?"

Qin Yi frowned, if the True Dragon King didn't know it, then it would be troublesome.

The True Dragon King is also a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Fifth Stage, and may not be as good as the Thirteen State Kings in the Great Yin Dynasty, but he is also a first-class powerhouse.

The title of the True Dragon King was also decreeed by the Great Yin Emperor.

In terms of status, the True Dragon King is also a well-known existence of Da Yin.

Logically speaking, the secrets of the Great Yin Dynasty and even the Seven Prisons World were mostly clear to the True Dragon King.

If even the True Dragon King knows, is he going to find the King of Thirteen States?

"For a moment of loss, please forgive me."

However, the true dragon king bowed slightly and smiled apologetically.

"When I get older, I sometimes fall into my own memories, Seven Prison Order, what a long-standing name this is!"

The True Dragon King sighed lightly, his eyes blurred, as if he was reminiscing about something.

"Master Boxing has a true dragon bloodline, so he should come from the true dragon clan. I think at the beginning, the old man and the clan brother were also from the true dragon clan."

"The old body and the clan brother, originally from the ordinary clan of the true dragon clan, are better than the Tianjiao in the clan, but they are higher than most of the heavens and the world.

Relying on the blood of the true dragon, you can set foot in the emperor realm when you reach adulthood, but it is also limited by the shackles of the blood, and there is no further possibility. "

"But my brothers are arrogant and arrogant. They think they are extraordinary. They are not reconciled to the shackles of blood, so they deviate from the clan and worship the seven prison gates."

The real dragon king talked freely.


Qin Yi's eyes were dark and uncertain, astonished.

The True Dragon King turned out to be the gatekeeper of the seven prison gates, which was far beyond his expectations.

This is completely different from the news he got from the longevity goddess. According to the longevity goddess, the true dragon king is the descendant of the true dragon and the human race. It is not a true dragon itself, let alone a gatekeeper of the seven prisons.

However, Qin Yi changed his mind, and it became clear.

The eternal goddess is at too low a level, and the information she understands is naturally only one-sided, or even false.

The real secret, the longevity goddess is not enough to know.

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