Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3087: The origin of the Seven Prison Order

"Unfortunately, after the old man and his clan brother worshipped and entered the Seven Prison Gate, they did not attract the attention of the Seven Prison Gate senior officials, and only got the title of inner disciple."

Real Dragon King sighed.

The Seven Prison Gates in the peak period were too powerful, not weaker than the true dragons.

Even with the blood of their true dragon clan, among the many disciples of the seven prison gates, they can only be regarded as the middle and upper ranks.

Such as the Golden Winged Dapeng clan, the Chaotic God Monkey clan, and the True Phoenix clan, there are also members of the seven prison gates.

"It's worthy of being a holy land."

Qin Yi also sincerely admired the power of the Seven Prison Gates.

The eastern part of the central boundary, including the entire eastern boundary, can be regarded as the territory of the Seven Prison Gates, gazing at the heavens and overlooking the ten thousand races.

Take today's Buluo Dynasty, compared with the Seven Prison Gates, even if you count Monkey King and Bull Demon King, it is not as good as the Seven Prison Gates in case!

Judging from the information he knew, the Seven Prison Gates in the peak period, except for the Heavenly Sovereign of Seven Prisons, the overlord of the Ninth Realm, and even the supreme power of Half-Step Heavenly Sovereign, were not a minority.

"The seven prison gates are divided into three thousand outer peaks, nine inner peaks, and the old and the clan belong to one of the nine inner peaks, the Ten Thousand Demon Peak."

The True Dragon King continued.

"And above the nine inner peaks, there are three major heritage halls!"

"One of the inheritance halls is called Dayan Hall. The main formation is inherited. The various large formations inside and outside the seven prison gates are arranged by the disciples of this hall.

The Order of the Seven Prisons is the great treasure of this temple, and the mountain guarding formation that can hold the gates of the seven prisons, which is now the many big formations outside the world of the seven prisons. "

"The guardian formation of the Seven Prison Gates?"

Qin Yi raised his brows, and suddenly felt in his heart.

Even for the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign, it is not a simple matter to set up a large array of the Heavenly Sovereign's ranks. If nothing else, the material for the formation is not a simple matter.

No matter what it is, as long as it involves the power of Tianzun level, its value cannot be measured by common sense.

The materials that can be used to lay out the Tianzun-level large array are probably considered precious in the entire heavens and the world, and the seven prison gates at the beginning of their prosperous period will also be stretched.

Not to mention, the Seven Prison Gate was defeated, and the Seven Prison Heavenly Lord was forced to hide behind him. It was undoubtedly more difficult to search for enough materials.

It is also reasonable for the Seven Prisons Tianzun to use the seven prison gates to protect the mountain in the Seven Prison World.

"It's a pity that as the remaining Seven Prison Gates collapsed, the Seven Prison Order followed the last elder of the Dayan Hall and disappeared into the Seven Prisons World without a trace."

The real dragon king sighed lightly.

If the Seven Prison Order is still there, the strong in the Seven Prison World will not be trapped in the Seven Prison World, and will not be allowed to step out of this world.

The great formation outside the Seven Prisons World, although sheltering the Seven Prisons World, it is also a prison, trapping the powerful in the Seven Prisons World.

"Nowhere? Is there really no sign of the Seven Prison Order?"

Qin Yi frowned deeply.

"No, even the emperor of Da Yin once sent people to search for the Seven Prison Orders, but in the end he just died."

The true dragon king shook his head.

Qin Yi was silent, if it was as true as the Dragon King said, things would be troublesome.

Even the Great Yin Emperor spent a lot of manpower and material resources and could not find it. With his own power, to find the Seven Prison Orders would be tantamount to a dream.

"Could it be that you really want to find the Great Yin Emperor?"

Qin Yi's eyes condensed, and his fingers lightly mouthed the armrest.

If not necessary, he did not want to face the Great Yin Emperor so quickly.

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