Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3088: Key person

If it is said that after the collapse of the Seven Prison Gates, which force is most likely to inherit most of the Seven Prison Gate's background, it is undoubtedly the Great Yin Dynasty that occupies most of the Seven Prison World.

If he rushed to the Great Yin Dynasty, even if he had the support of Monkey King, he would not necessarily be able to win the favor of the Great Yin Dynasty.

He just learned from the Changsheng Tiannv that the Great Yin Lord had a strong heavenly sword in his hand, and his rank was suspected to be a quasi-tianzun weapon.

Not to mention, the other heritage left by the Seven Prison Gates.

However, if Qin Yi wanted to find the Seven Prison Orders, he had to rely on the power of the Great Yin Dynasty, otherwise, it would be impossible to find the Seven Prison Orders by them alone.

Although the Great Yin Emperor had tried to find the Seven Prison Orders with great fanfare, but he did not end up quickly, but there is no doubt that if the Great Yin Emperor can mobilize the power of the Great Yin Dynasty, the chance of finding the Seven Prison Orders is much greater.

"It's just that, how did this Great Yin Dynasty be established? What is the identity of the Great Yin Emperor?"

Qin Yi's eyes flashed.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

He didn't even know the origins of the two, so how could he deal with the Great Yin Dynasty and the Great Yin Emperor?

At the same time, this is also his biggest question since he entered the Seven Prison World.

The dignified seven prison gates, a holy place that is immortal on one side, what a mighty force, at its peak, the range of influence spans two big realms.

Even if it declines again, it is an unimaginable behemoth!

The one or two sects left behind in the Eastern Frontier can play with many of the Eastern Frontiers and control the Eastern Frontier in the palm of their hand.

Why did the Great Yin Dynasty turn over the seven prison gates?

At the moment, Qin Yi said this question.

Upon hearing Qin Yi’s question, the True Dragon King gave a wry smile and said:

"After Tianzun disappeared, in the first few epochs, the Seven Prisons World was naturally the only one in the Seven Prisons, and controlled everything."

"But with the passage of time, contradictions have also arisen within the Seven Prison Gates, and they have gradually divided into three factions. One side, one of the three major inheritance halls, the Demon Prison Hall, is the stubborn faction that advocates staying firmly in the Seven Prison World. Waiting for the opportunity to rise."

"One radical, led by the Green Prison Palace, advocates finding a way to leave the Seven Prison World, secretly control the eastern frontier, and seek opportunities for rise.

The last party is the neutral faction headed by Dayan Temple. "

"The trilateral factions are opposed to each other. At first they were stable. Later, the contradictions grew, and in the end the entire seven prison gates fell apart."

The true dragon king was full of emotion.

With the strength of the seven prison gates, it could have stood tall, but it was eventually destroyed in the hands of its own people, and it began to fall apart from within.

"Later, the Lord of the Qing Prison Hall opened up the Great Yin Dynasty and became the Great Yin Emperor, and the Lord of the Demon Prison Hall opened up the Demon Realm and became the Great Demon Venerable. The last elder of the Dayan Temple left with anger and took the Seven Prison Orders and Part of the disciples of Dayan Temple left and disappeared."

Following the description of the True Dragon King, Qin Yi also probably understood the origin of many forces in the Seven Prisons World.

After all, the Seven Prisons World is still dominated by the Seven Prison Gatemen.

However, the former seven prison gates were torn apart and split into three forces.

This also explains why the huge seven prison gates collapsed. No matter how powerful they are, they cannot resist the internal division.

"In other words, if you want to find the Seven Prison Order, you have to find the elder of Dayan Palace?"

Qin Yi frowned.

Going around, this elder of Dayan Hall became a key figure.

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