Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3091: North Hanyuan, Dongfu

The Seven Prisons World.

Magic domain.

The Northern Cold Abyss, the far north of the Seven Prisons World, is shrouded in snow all year round, and the temperature is unimaginably low.

There are countless creatures living in the True Essence Realm, and coupled with the lack of elixir here, so few human beings are here.

Although Northern Hanyuan is mostly icy and snowy, some places are full of aura, not inferior to some caves and blessings in the Seven Prisons World. Since countless years ago, some tyrannical races have been entrenched here.

Such as the cold dragon clan, the ice-winged frost scorpion clan, the arm-armed demon ape clan... I don't know how many races are hiding here.

In the depths of the Northern Frost Abyss, in the frozen world, on a large mountain covered by heavy snow, there is a cave that can only accommodate a few people to enter at the same time.

The cave is hidden in the heavy snow, if you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.


At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a blue mysterious robe walked slowly to the front of the cave.

"Qing Ming, you are here!"

In the cave, a huge voice came out.

The tone of the voice is very light, but the supreme majesty contained in the voice rushes to the face. The stronger the creature, the more the tremor from the soul can be felt.

The middle-aged Lan Pao couldn't help but his complexion changed slightly, awe in his heart.

With his strong strength called the King of the Thirteenth State of Great Yin, he couldn't help feeling a shudder in front of such a strength.

Perhaps, the teacher has spied the gate of that realm?


The middle-aged Lan Pao bowed.

"come in."

In the cave, there was another voice.

The middle-aged Lan Pao got up, opened the door, and walked into the cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, there was another cave, it was a huge space.

A huge floating island is suspended in mid-air, and magnificent and majestic palaces stand on the island.

In the palace, there was a faintly tyrannical aura, a shining light, and you could also see a terrifying powerhouse walking through it.

But the most powerful aura is the largest palace in the center.

A terrible power circulated in the void, and countless laws worshipped that palace, guarding its existence!


As soon as the middle-aged Lan Pao entered the cave, he flew towards the central palace.

At the gate of the palace, countless chaotic essences turned into long dragons lingering around the palace, seeming to be living creatures. In addition, there are dozens of earthly immortal and quasi-emperor powerhouses guarding the gate.

When these powerful men saw this middle-aged man, they all knelt to the ground:

"I have seen it, Elder Qing Ming."

"Free gift!"

The middle-aged blue robe spoke lightly and stepped into the palace.

The inside of the hall is very simple, completely inconsistent with the magnificence of the exterior. There are some bookshelves on all sides, and there are vast ancient books on them.

The most striking thing is the picture scroll carved on the central wall of the temple.

Figure of pilgrimage of sentient beings.

Countless creatures, true dragons, true phoenixes, chaotic gods monkeys...and so on, there are countless existences, crawling on the ground, and worshipping a figure.

The figure is very hazy, it is impossible to see his face at all, not even the shadow.

But the figure is there, but it gives people a kind of oppressive heart, originating from the soul, and indescribable shock, like a **** king falling into the nine heavens, and the immortal being in the world!

Standing in the painting, you can also step on the heavens and the world with one foot!

In the eyes of the middle-aged Lanpao, this figure represents the world and the avenue, like an immortal monument, insurmountable.


The middle-aged Lan Pao was silent.

This is the supreme existence of the heavens and all realms, shoulder to shoulder with Tao!

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