Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 309: Old man, angry

Below the picture of all living beings worshipping, there is a throne, and one person is sitting on the throne.

This is an old man.

It looks more than half a hundred years old, with sparse hair, skinny, and sickly appearance, and may die of anger at any time.

However, the light shining in his eyes makes people unable to ignore it, with the vastness of the years passing by, containing infinite wisdom.

The old man sat there, breathing in and out, the chaotic essence of the entire hall was breathing with him, and the law was roaring.

This feeling is similar to the figure on the pilgrimage map of sentient beings.


The middle-aged Lan Pao bowed his head and looked respectful.

"Qing Ming, don't you stay in Qing Ming State and be your Qing Ming King, what do you come to find me for?"

The old man's eyebrows were drooping, and he did not look up at the middle-aged blue robe.

"Teacher Rong Ji, Qing Ming also had to do it..."

The middle-aged Lan Pao gave a wry smile, knowing that the old man was dissatisfied with him accepting the title of Emperor Great Yin and becoming one of the thirteen kings of Great Yin.

For a long time, because of this, the old man never showed him a good face.

"Well, you have said these words countless times, and I don't want to hear more. Let's just say, what are you here for this time?"

The old man didn't wait for the middle-aged Lanpao to finish speaking, and interrupted directly.

"Teacher Qi, there has been a major incident in Dayin recently. A tianjiao appeared from nowhere, killing two disciples of the Nangong family's main line, and then beheading the devil ape king's son, causing a lot of trouble."

The middle-aged blue robe looked solemn.

"I know this. It's just a junior who didn't know which old guy raised."

The old man didn't care, he didn't lift his eyelids.

It is good for a junior to be in his ears, but apart from that, there is nothing else worthy of his attention.

"However, after this son left Qingming Prefecture, he went to Xuanhan Prefecture and sought out Xuanhanlong's family. Then, a message came from Xuanhanlong's family..."

The middle-aged Lan Pao hesitated, and finally spoke.

If this is the case, why does He come here specially.

"Xuanhan Long's family? Long Xiaoyun's family? He and his brother went to the Seven Prison Gates at the beginning. Unlike his brother, he was extremely hard in practice, and once had the hope of becoming a true disciple."

Hearing this, the old man's eyelids finally lifted a little.

"After Tianzun retired to the Seven Prison World, he also retreated to the Seven Prison World as the peak master of Ten Thousand Demon Peaks. He has been cultivating hard, and his cultivation level is well advanced. This seat once took a look from afar, and seems to have set foot on the fifth peak.

If the Seventh Prison Gate is still there, he can be among the true disciples, but unfortunately, this guy is not up to date, just like you to accept the imperial order of the Yin Nine Emperors. "

The old man hated that iron could not become steel, and he was a little sorry: "Why, that junior was cultivated by Long Xiaoyun?"

"No, there is news from the Long Family that they are going to re-establish the Seven Prison Gates!"

The middle-aged Lan Pao shook his head and threw out an earth-shattering news.


Sure enough, as soon as his words fell, the old man stood up suddenly, sweeping the boundlessness with an invisible and majestic aura.

The entire palace and even the entire cave mansion were shaken, and even a ray of energy escaped, and the huge mountains outside the cave mansion collapsed.

The palpitating breath instantly filled the sky over thousands of miles, shaking the universe, as if an ancient **** and demon woke up from a deep sleep.

In the hall, the middle-aged blue robe faced this momentum, and was forced to retreat dozens of steps.

"Who is it that gave this dog such a courage to rebuild the seven prison gates? What qualifications does he have to rebuild the seven prison gates and be the master of the seven prison gates?"

The voice of anger echoed in the hall.

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