Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3300: Those who learn from me live, those who like me die


The vast aura rose to the sky, raging in the chaos, thousands of miles of void was shaken, and it rolled up like a storm of extinction.

In an instant, the surrounding chaos and even the big world and the middle world were all engulfed in it.

Many worlds are trembling, shaking under this momentum!

Just like a candle swaying in the wind, it may go out at any time.

What is force?

At this moment, the Bull Demon completely interpreted this word.

Not to mention other things, the emperors who practiced the avenue of power, seeing this scene, couldn't help looking excited, like witnessing the avenue.

"The strength of this person has already touched that lofty realm and truly walked out of his own path!"

Zhuntianzun with a lofty state, his expression moved, and surprised comments.

Repair base, avenue.

These two things are the things that emperors need to practice most. On the contrary, the accumulation of one's own source power is only second.

What is more important is to walk out of one's own path to achieve one's own path.

The heavens and worlds are so vast, and there are so many quasi-celestial beings born, and even those who overlook the red dust of the world.

If these powerhouses want to pass on their own avenues after their own deaths, they may not be able to cultivate a giant of the heavens with their own avenues.

However, such methods are extremely dangerous for the inheritors.

The avenues of the predecessors of cultivation will eventually become other people's pawns, and they will be taken over by the strong men who have already died, and they will be born again.

Like Tianzun, even more terrifying.

With its difficult-to-snoop means, as long as you are willing, you may not be able to cultivate the peak emperor of the seventh, eighth, or even ninth.

But these powerhouses are just puppets of Tianzun's resurrection, and they have long since been regarded as real lives.

Those who learn from me live, those who like me die!

This sentence tells the truth.

Of course, when most emperors practiced, they would more or less learn from the great road left by others, remove the dross, and take the essence to promote their own understanding of the great road.

But if you want to go further, you must walk out of the path that truly belongs to yourself and get rid of the influence of His people, so that you can step into the quasi-tianzun realm and get a glimpse of the mystery of the heavens realm.

A group of powerful people can see at a glance that the Bull Demon King has already got rid of his human influence and walked out of the path that truly belongs to him.

As long as the source of power is accumulated enough, the Bull Demon King will be able to cross the path of Heavenly Sovereign that is insurmountable for ordinary emperors in one step and become Zhuntianzun.

Then, if you can open the gate of Tianzun and occupy the source of one, you can become Tianzun!

"The Heavenly Sovereign of the Dao of Power has fallen hundreds of epochs long ago, and the position of the Heavenly Sovereign of the Dao of Power has been vacant.

For hundreds of epochs, no creatures have achieved the heavenly deity by the way of power. "

The eyes of the strong flicker.

"What an opponent, hehe, it seems that there is another opponent in this seat, I am not alone!"

There are also strong men who are also the Great Path of Cultivation. He smiled, and a strong fighting spirit erupted in his eyes, wishing to fight the Bull Demon King.

The practice of the Dao of Power is widely spread in the heavens and all realms.

Basically, every emperor has practiced the Dao of Power more or less, and there are not many emperors who have become the Dao through the Dao of Power.

Similarly, most of the emperors who practice the great path of power are keen on fighting, and fighting to push their body forward, so as to reach a higher realm.

The presence of a fellow like the Bull Demon King on the path of cultivation power naturally aroused the fighting will of these powerful men.

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