Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3301: Buddhism

Eastern Frontier.

The Bull Demon King stood in the chaotic void, raging and raging, his icy eyes fell on the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, with undisguised disgust in his eyes.

This Buddhism is really lingering, they are everywhere.

The prehistoric monster clan was gradually declining under the suppression of Buddhism.

In this world, there are people holding Buddhist implements and standing on the opposite side of the emperor. They really deserve to die!


The Bull Demon snorted coldly, and a hot breath came out of his mouth and nose.

In an instant, his blood surging like a vast ocean, all the thousands of miles of chaos were dyed with a layer of blue and black divine glory.

Above it, there is a sacred cow that is so huge that it is unimaginable, with one foot on the endless brilliance, stretching its body, and supporting the sky.

‘Hercules! ’

At the first sight of this sacred cow, such a thought suddenly flashed in the hearts of countless creatures.

Even if they had never seen this sacred cow, the information about this sacred cow naturally appeared in their hearts.

Taking the ten thousand realms as the defense and shaking the heavens is the Hercules!


The vast aura fell from the sacred cow, instantly shaking hundreds of thousands of miles of chaos, shaking most of the world in the eastern frontier.

Inspired by this breath, countless students knelt to the ground unconsciously.

Under this breath, shivering.


The bull demon king suddenly took a step forward, and the sacred bull immersed in chaos also took a step forward, exploding with an indescribable terrifying power.

Straight as the nine-day fairy world fell, the endless starry sky came under pressure.

For a time, the great Emperor Richen and other giants couldn't help but their expressions changed, and they were also shocked by this power, feeling like they wanted to kneel to the ground.

"Damn it, Three Realms Treasure Wheel!"

The three giants such as the Golden Crow Daojun also looked ugly, and with a move of their minds, they urged the Three Realms Treasure Wheel with their own power.


The endless buddha light burst out from the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, mixed in the celestial glory, filled with hundreds of millions of chaotic universe.

A phantom Buddha appeared, sitting cross-legged in it, reciting the scriptures.

The sound of Zen singing roared, and the thoughts of wanting to escape into the empty door suddenly rose in the hearts of all living beings, and their will was gradually consumed a little bit.

"The Buddhist weapon?"

Experts in other realms also felt the Buddha's light radiating from the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, and couldn't help but frown.

If they hadn't noticed that the Three Realms Treasure Wheel was wrong before, then, now that the Three Realms Treasure Wheel is fully awakened, it is naturally impossible for them to be unable to find out.

Buddhism also exists in the heavens and all realms, and even the power of Buddhism is extremely powerful, occupying the entire western heaven realm.

It is the Supreme Taoism, the Holy Land of Eternity, and the Immortal God Dynasty, and they are quite jealous when facing Buddhism.

After all, the so-called Buddhism consists of several holy places for eternity, and its power is so powerful in the heavens and all realms.

‘In the Eastern Frontier, there are also Buddhist forces involved? ’

Some strong men thought in their hearts.

It is impossible for Buddhism to ignore a Buddhism's quasi-tianzun implement, let alone let it be left out.

The treasure wheel of the Three Realms fell into the hands of the Golden Crow Daojun and other giants, no matter how you look at it, there are Buddhist calculations in it.

"It's actually a Buddhism's quasi-tianzun implement?"

Dahuang Daojun stared at him, with a hint of surprise.

He didn't know that the quasi-tiansun device in Jinwu Daojun's hand was actually the quasi-tiansun device of Buddhism.

As a result, this battle can be said to have more forces to intervene, and the situation will undoubtedly become more complicated.

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