Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3306: Why do you want to die


The mighty sound wave shook, swept across all directions with infinite killing intent.

As the Great Emperor walked, the surging Qi and blood surged in his body, and the acupuncture points all over his body lit up, like a big universe exploding in his body.

It is like the bright stars, lit up in the dark night, blooming with endless light and heat.

The will to suppress the Eight Wilds and sweep the heavens is diffused!

Five fingers, like white jade colored glaze, spread out, piercing through the void, and enveloped all the strong people on the side of the imperial emperor.

Needless to say, the meaning of the Great Emperor has been fully revealed.

I want to kill you all!

"Huh? Strength?"

Even the Bull Demon King who fought against the three giants such as the Golden Crow Daojun looked slightly, attracted by this breath, and parted his attention.

The Great Emperor was also an emperor of the Great Way of Cultivation. Although he was not as good as the Bull Demon King, he was not too weak.

This made the Bull Demon King a little bit tricky and wanted to fight the Great Emperor.

However, the Golden Crow Dao Sovereign three urged the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, firmly restraining the Bull Demon King.

Although the Bull Demon suppressed the three Golden Crow Dao Sovereigns, it was not easy to defeat the Golden Crow Dao Sovereign three.

The Great Emperor took this opportunity and slapped a group of strong ones with a palm.


The chaotic storm stirred up by his palms spread to all directions, tearing apart the large array that sheltered the strongest.

The army formations such as Daqin Iron Cavalry and Binzhou Wolf Cavalry seem to be powerful, and their ranks have reached the stage of high-ranking Saint rank high-ranking formations in each upgrade.

But in the face of a giant of the heavens, it is still not enough.

Just a ray of breath fell, and it shattered many army formations, crushing a large number of strong people unable to get up, and there was no resistance.

Compared with a giant of the heavens, a group of strong ones is still far behind.

Although there are sixth-level emperors like Yama, and even the sixth-level peaks such as Moqi, they touch the seventh-level emperors.

But in the final analysis, there are no giants in the seventh realm.

Under the giants of the heavens and the giants of the heavens, there are originally two different levels, and there is an insurmountable gap between the two.

If a giant does not have the same level of obstacles, crushing to death the creatures under the seventh stage is like crushing to death an ant.

With this palm of the Great Emperor, even if it was unable to kill all the strongest people who did not fall, it would still cause heavy losses to the Emperor.

"Wait, die for this seat!"

The Great Emperor showed a fierce look, and his eyes burst out with fierce murderous intent.

Infinite energy and blood filled the chaos and vastness, and billions of stars hung on it, and a palm fell down, just as billions of stars fell down at the same time.

Suddenly, the chaos was shaken, and the universe was reversed.

Layers of void were shattered by this palm, crushed by an unstoppable force.

A crowd of strong people can only watch this palm slap, but they can't have any countermeasures. They can't even move them.

However, the crowd of strong people did not panic, but looked at the Great Emperor coldly.

In the same way, the Great Emperor seemed to blatantly slay a group of powerful people, but in fact, his mind was tense, his spiritual thoughts swept around, and if something was wrong, he withdrew.

You must know that behind the imperial dynasty, there is still a peak emperor.

His move this time is to force out this peak emperor.

"Why are you trying to die?"

At this moment, a long sigh faintly sounded, and a figure suddenly emerged from the depths of the chaos, walking step by step.

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