Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3307: I, the emperor does not fall


At the same time as the voice sounded, the figure stepped forward, instantly crossing the countless chaotic roads, blocking the front of a crowd of strong ones.


Behind the figure, a ray of gold suddenly rose up into the sky.

A blink of an eye.

It is filled with thousands of miles of chaos, dyeing the void world into a golden glow.

An indescribable huge phantom, looming in this golden splendor, triggered countless laws, and the road roared endlessly.

The bodies of thousands of li tangled together, as if to burst this chaos.

The scale armor made of immortal gold, circulating countless **** patterns, seems to be telling the most profound truths and principles in the world.

Real dragon!

A group of strong men saw it, and at first glance recognized that this was a true dragon.


The real dragon let out a deafening roar, and the terrifying sound waves spread out, shaking the universe and setting off an endless storm of chaos.

As straight as a waterfall composed of hundreds of millions of rivers, it rolled backwards and swept towards the Great Emperor.


The two forces collided, and numerous collisions broke out.

The tyrannical aftermath pierced through layers of void, tearing through thousands of spaces.

In the end, Yu Er was eliminated.

"who is it?"

The Great Emperor Daxiang stopped, looking solemnly at the figure in front of him.

Contrary to what he had expected, although the existence in front of him is powerful, his strength is only between him, not the peak emperor.

Of course, this existence can block his full palm, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

"I, do not fall the emperor!"

The figure stood with his hands behind, and raised his eyes slightly, revealing a pair of black and white eyes, reflecting the coldness of freezing into the bone marrow.

It is Qin Yi.


As he spoke, the real dragon phantom roared and shrank countless times before falling into Qin Yi's side, hanging down his noble head, lingering around him.

"Don't fall the emperor?"

The Great Emperor was shocked and looked at Qin Yi in amazement.

For Qin Yi, he and many giants are not without understanding.

Emperor Richen even fought Qin Yi directly. The reason why Qin Yi was able to defeat Emperor Richen relied on the high-level imperial weapon in his hand.

The defeat of Emperor Richen, to a large extent, was also attributed to his contempt.

Qin Yi's actual power was not in the eyes of many giants. Without that high-end imperial weapon, Qin Yi let them knead it.


In the previous match, Emperor Richen did not feel the power of that high-level imperial weapon, but relied on the strength of his own body to evenly split with him!

"The Great Emperor, the founder of the Great Emperor Dynasty, the peak giant of the seventh stage..."

Qin Yi's eyes flickered, and a message about the Great Emperor flashed in his heart.

The seventh peak.

The cultivation base of the Great Emperor Daxiang is not weak, and among the many giants in the East, it can also be ranked in the forefront, not inferior to the Great Emperor Richen.

If you really want to compete for strength, when the Eternal Immortal Furnace is damaged, relying only on the strength of the deity, he is naturally no match for the Great Emperor.

Although the deity's practice speed is extremely fast, and the cultivation base is rapidly increasing, it can reach the fifth realm, two realms away from the seventh realm.

However, he wouldn't be so stupid, fighting hard with the Great Emperor.

With the help of the power of the Heavenly Dao clone, the deity is qualified to fight the giants.

That is to say, the Heavenly Dao clone is still digesting the Seven Prisons and Heavenly Dao, and can't differentiate too much power. Otherwise, just use the power of the Heavenly Dao clone, and with the roar just now, he can directly kill the Great Emperor.

After all, the actual combat power of the Heavenly Dao clone is comparable to the peak emperor and even the quasi-tianzun.

If it can completely swallow the Seven Hells and Heavenly Dao, transform into the Great Thousand Dao, even comparable to the Heavenly Lord!

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