Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3308: Daqian Avenue and Zhutian Avenue

The avatar of Heaven is extremely high in nature, and the way of transformation is also very unique, completely different from other creatures in the heavens and worlds.

Generally speaking, the way of heaven cannot be practiced, and there are few ways to improve oneself.

Excluding the continuous growth of the world dominated by oneself over the long years, so as to enhance one's own heritage and enhance the outside of one's body.

The fastest way to grow the Dao of Heaven is to swallow other Dao of Heaven.

Such as guiding the strong in the world controlled by oneself to attack other worlds and integrating other worlds into one's own world.

In the ancient times, the Tianyao of the Tianyao Continent was like this, guiding the Taixu Ancient Sage and other Tianyao Continent powerhouses to attack other worlds and migrating the sin world and other worlds to the Tianyao Continent.

The Heavenly Dao of Tianyao Continent swallowed the Heavenly Dao in the world such as the Sin Realm to grow so rapidly.

Or go to the mysterious heavenly realm, fight with other heavenly realms in the heavenly realm, defeat other heavenly realms, and then swallow them.

Compared with the former, the latter is undoubtedly more dangerous.

There are too many heavenly ways in the heavenly realm, and some heavenly ways have existed in the world for more than a hundred, or even thousands of epochs, and their background is unimaginable.

Fighting with these ancient ways of heaven, if you are not careful, you will fall.

Even Qin Yi's Heavenly Dao clone did not dare to easily set foot in the Heavenly Dao realm, involving this extremely dangerous and unique battlefield of Heavenly Dao.

However, compared with the many heavenly ways in the heavenly realm, Qin Yi's heavenly way clones undoubtedly have more advantages. Most of the heavenly ways are not very intelligent and just follow the primitive instinct.

After the Heavenly Dao of Tianyao Continent was refined into a Heavenly Dao clone by Qin Yi, it naturally broke away from the limitation of following the original instinct.

In addition, the avatar of Heavenly Dao has the secret of suppressing the Heavenly Dao, and it swallows the Heavenly Dao of Seven Hells, and the speed of improvement is far faster than that of most Heavenly Dao.

Perhaps in less than a hundred years, it will be possible to completely refine the Seven Hells and Heavenly Dao, transforming into the Great Thousand Dao, comparable to the Xianxian Tianzun.

The so-called Great Thousand Great Way is different from the Great Great Way in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.

The Avenue of the Heavens is the Avenue of Laws, such as the Avenue of Power, the Avenue of Five Elements, the Avenue of the Nether, the Avenue of Thunder... and so on.

And the Daqian Dadao, in essence, is the heavenly path that controls the great world, and it is also made up of countless laws.

Although there is the name of the Great Dao, there is no essence of the Great Dao.

of course.

The distance of the Heavenly Dao clone transformed into the Great Thousand Avenue, and there is still a lot of distance.

In terms of the power of the Heavenly Dao clone, there is no problem with the battle against the pinnacle emperor.

Even if he can't show up, he can only bless the deity with his own strength, which is enough for Qin Yi's deity to have the power to rival the great emperor and other giants.

"The Great Emperor?"

Qin Yi's indifferent gaze fell on Emperor Daxiang.

"It's me."

Emperor Daxiang straightened his face and restored his calmness. Although he was shocked by Qin Yi's astonishing strength, he did not show any timidity on the surface.

"You and I are both emperors, and you are all the way to control everything. It is said that you also rose from the end of the era and opened up the Great Emperor's dynasty step by step.

I thought you would be a brainy person, but now it looks like... heh! "

Qin Yi sighed slightly, and finally returned to a joking sneer.

The disdain between words, without the slightest concealment.


The Great Emperor's face changed, and his gloom instantly fell, and anger loomed in his eyes.

He is not a fool, and he naturally understands the mockery in Qin Yi's words.

How can you not be angry?

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