Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3309: Weakness lies in people, not in boxing

As a giant of the heavens, the great emperor, together with many giants of the eastern frontier, took charge of the eastern frontier in the ancient times.

Even the other giants of Eastern Xinjiang did not dare to be disrespectful to him.

The Lord of the Unfallen Lord, although he didn't know how he used to obtain combat power that was not weaker than him, his essence was far from the level of the giants of the heavens.

Obviously, Qin Yi used foreign objects!

A guy who can barely compete with him with the help of foreign objects, dare to speak out against him and insult him?

"A mere junior, who only relies on foreign objects and dares to speak to me like this, no matter what, I will tell you how big the gap is between you and us!"

The Great Emperor gave a cold snort, without fear in his eyes.

Emperors have strengths and weaknesses, and giants also have strengths and weaknesses.

The strong, like the peak emperor, can squeeze one side, and even dozens of giants in the seventh and eighth levels can be suppressed between palms.

The weak, like the giants who have just stepped into the seventh realm, are stronger than the existence under the giants, but much weaker than the average old giants, and are not regarded by him.

At the level of the giants of the heavens, no gap will be infinitely magnified, and few strong people can overcome the gap.

In the eyes of Emperor Daxiang, Qin Yi was worse than those giants who had just set foot in the seventh realm.

Those giants who set foot in the seventh realm, anyway, rely on their own power to achieve giants, and they have extremely high control over their own power.

But Qin Yi is different. What Qin Yi relies on is not his own power. How much can he control?

Had it not been for Qin Yi's historical record of defeating Emperor Richen, I am afraid that Emperor Daxiang would not have looked at Qin Yi directly.

"I am not the fellow Richen, I will let you know how stupid it is to provoke me!"

The Great Emperor's eyes were open and closed, cold and indifferent.


As he spoke, the Great Emperor had already bowed and strode, punching out.

The mighty boxing spirit instantly enveloped Qin Yi, and at the same time, it covered the surrounding void of thousands of miles.

For an instant, the universal void was compressed to the extreme under this punch, and then collapsed again, collapsing into one huge black hole after another.

From the black hole burst out a torrent of pitch black enough to wipe out everything, running through the chaos and swallowing everything that was shrouded in it.

The creatures, the laws... are all absorbed.

Countless worlds were opened up by vast forces, and were swallowed by black holes in a flash, adding the power of this punch.

The life and the death of the world are only in a moment!


Qin Yi raised his eyebrows, seemingly interested.

It has to be said that for the existence of every achievement giant, the method of practice and the way of practice are not useless, and all have merits.

This punch of Daxiang the Great opened up the world with boxing, in destroying the world, in the birth and destruction, evolving the ultimate power, used to bless this punch.

At first, this punch was not considered strong. With the power he now has the Heavenly Dao clone blessing, he can easily smash it out, but only a ten millionth of an instant, this punch has been strengthened to a very high level.

Up to now, it has given people an unstoppable feeling.

Even the giants of the seventh realm, in this case, I am afraid that they can't stop this move.

"However, nothing more."

Qin Yi shook his head and sighed.

Daxiang the Great’s punch looks tyrannical, but the weakness is also extremely obvious.

The weakness of this punch is not in the punch, but in the person.

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