Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3316: Do you want me to ask you out?


The violent power dissipated in all directions, setting off a shocking storm, and the road roared, as if the heavens and myriad worlds collapsed at this moment.

The power of giants such as Yuan Yi Daojun traversed the universe, and the phantoms of the world appeared, and then quickly collapsed into ashes.

The endless mighty force seems to obliterate everything in the world!

In any case, Yuan Yi Daojun and other giants are all beings at the top of the Eastern Frontier, and each has the power to destroy the sun and the moon.

Their combined blow, in terms of power alone, is already unimaginable terrifying and cannot be resisted by ordinary people.

Even Qin Yi had to avoid his edge.


The Great Emperor Daxiang moved back to Daojun Yuanyi and other giants when he reappeared, with a surviving expression on his face.

Just now, he almost died in Qin Yi's hands.

This is not a possible threat that he has felt in the past, but it is really almost falling!

He looked at Qin Yi again, there was no longer any contempt, only jealousy, solemnity, and a strong hatred.

"The strength of this child is unexpected. I don't know how to run the Time Dao. The use of the Time Dao is comparable to the overlord of the 8th and even the 9th.

Fellow Daoist Daoist, can you find out some details about this son? "

Yuan Yi Daojun glanced at Emperor Daxiang, and asked in a deep voice.

As the strong man who fought with Qin Yi personally, the great emperor must be able to detect some details of Qin Yi in this fight.

"This son's realm has not reached the seventh realm, far less than ours. This method must not be his own power, and must rely on foreign objects.

Emperor weapon? Secret treasure? Emperor Fu? Or what secret method? "

The Great Emperor frowned.

Although he determined that Qin Yi's method of running the Dao of Time was to rely on foreign objects, he did not know what Qin Yi relied on.

"We underestimated this son. Counting this strange treasure, coupled with the imperial weapon that defeated Daoist Richen, this son is already qualified to threaten our lives."

Yuan Yi Daojun lightly sighed.

Although Qin Yi's method of controlling Time Avenue has been demonstrated once, many giants will be prepared when confronting Qin Yi again.

But according to their understanding of Qin Yi, Qin Yi is not the only one.

This time, Qin Yi's shot forced many giants to place Qin Yi on the same level as them.

"The deity's strength is getting stronger and stronger."

The Eternal clone smiled slightly, not surprised by this result.

If it hadn't been for that secret existence, the Great Emperor might have fallen into his hands.

"The Lord is not falling..."

Heilong Daojun stroked the black dragon in his arms, glanced at Qin Yi, then at the Eternal Clone, his eyes flowed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Then, he looked at the Golden Crow Emperor and other giants who were firmly suppressed by the Bull Demon King, his eyes were certain, as if he had made some decision.

Not to mention the reaction of Daojun Heilong and others, after being forced to retreat by Daojun Yuanyi and other giants, Qin Yi did not look at the fleeing Daxiang Great Emperor, nor did he take charge of Daojun Yuanyi and other giants.

Instead, the eyes burst into divine glory, piercing the void, and the surrounding chaos seemed to light up, and there was nothing to hide.

In the end, Qin Yi's gaze stopped at an area deep in the chaos.

"Come out!"

Qin Yi's voice was faint.

Everything was the same around him, nothing happened, as if he was talking to himself.

"Why, I have to invite you out personally?"

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows, his voice suddenly raised.

The next moment, his eyes burst out with bright light, like two golden beams of light, running through the sun and the moon, smashing the chaotic void.

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