Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3317: Mysterious strong


A clear cracking sound sounded.

The golden beam of light penetrated through it, like a mirror shattered, and the chaotic void shattered in an instant.

A figure fell out of it, this was a teenager.

His appearance is unparalleled, his demeanor is calm and casual, like a noble son.

Even if Qin Yi forced him out, his face was still as indifferently as before, and the corners of his mouth were grinning.

"this is……"

But when many powerful men on the side saw the young man's first glance, their hearts suddenly collapsed, their souls trembling, as if a divine sword was pointed directly at their brows.

If Ruowu's sword intent enveloped them, they couldn't help but step back.

Yuan Yi Daojun and other giants also shrank their pupils, and a touch of fear flashed in their eyes.

But a group of giants had to bow and salute: "We've seen Lord Taixu!"

"Lord Taixu?"

Qin Yi frowned upon hearing this.

It is impossible for a person's cultivation base to be spread in the heavens and worlds without a name, and it is bound to be valued by the spies of various forces and recorded by all parties.

At the level of the giants of the heavens, looking at the heavens and all realms, none of them are weak, they are the supreme Taoist gods, and the immortal gods will not despise them.

For the giants of the heavens, all major forces will have detailed records.

Giants such as Yuan Yi Daojun, although they were closed by the avenue as early as dozens of epochs ago, they live in this corner of the eastern border.

But in fact, all the major forces of the heavens and all realms also have records about them.

Not to mention, if the overlord level of the ninth realm is present, it stands to reason that there should be a record of this person in the intelligence collected by Fengfeng.

Qin Yi recalled hearing the news from Fengwei, but there was no strong person who had reached the ninth level with the name Taixu.

Compared with the giants of the seventh and eighth levels, Tingfengwei pays more attention to investigating the news of the overlords of the ninth level and the quasi-tianzun-class powerhouses.

For the existence of this level, the threat to the imperial dynasty was even greater, and Qin Yi asked the powerful Tingfengwei to focus on the investigation.

According to Tingfengwei's report, basically all the ninth-level and quasi-tianzun-level powerhouses in the various heavens and ten thousand realms were recorded.

But Qin Yi had no reflection on this strong man named after Taixu.

Unlike Tianzun, there are various means to conceal other forces' investigations. Even if the various forces have recorded them, they can use their mighty power to wipe out their traces from the heavens and the world.

Although it is impossible to erase all traces, some unqualified forces are likely to lose their records.

Therefore, if it was the news about Tianzun, Tingfengwei probably didn't record it, but it was just the overlord of the ninth realm.

With the strength of listening to the wind guards, there should not be no records.

"Could it be the overlord of the heavens who just broke through?"

Qin Yi's eyes flickered, and if it was the overlord who just broke through, everything would make sense.

After all, it is rising too fast, listening to Fengwei's record of the seventh and eighth realm giants is far less detailed than the records of other forces in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Some omissions are naturally reasonable.

If this strong man named Taixu had just broken through the ninth stage, or his reputation would not be obvious after the breakthrough, Fengwei did not record it, and it would be reasonable.

"Then where does this person come from?"

Qin Yi's eyes were deep, falling on the young man who was stepping forward.

Ten thousand gods?

A Buddhist expert in the Western Heaven Realm?

Or, the strong from other realms?

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