Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3318: Wan Dao Shen Chao Tai Xu Taoist

The heavens and myriad worlds are big when they are big, but they are not big when they are not big.

For most living beings, they will never leave the corner of the place they are in their entire life, and they will know the power of the world they are at best.

Or, the forces in the surrounding worlds, this is also the sky.

Even the emperor only understands the realm he is in, and occasionally involves other realms.

For the emperor under the seventh realm, it would take at least several years to go from one realm to another.

Therefore, for most emperors, matters of small and medium-sized forces in other realms are nothing more than talk after a meal.

But for the large forces that have the overlord of the heavens, in any case, many powerhouses in all major realms will also hear about it.

After all, there are not too many such forces in the entire heavens and ten thousand realms, and there are only those forces at this level near the eastern frontier.

Obviously, this young man with the same title as Taixu Ancient Sage is the overlord of the heavens from several forces.


The young man wore a yin and yang robe, and his face was handsome, not like a mortal.

The eyes are empty and godless, like ordinary blind men, but like **** eyes that can see through the ages and penetrate everything in the world.

At a glance, it seems that you can see the mysterious passage of time and space.

"This Taixu Taoist comes from the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Reign and has seen the Lord of the Unfallen Emperor."

The boy stopped, smiled slightly, and bowed his hand to Qin Yi.

When he opened his mouth, the avenue seemed to turn into his tongue, and mingled with it, igniting countless laws and evolving one vision after another.

Just ordinary talk, if it falls into the ears of a saint-level powerhouse, it may break through one or even several realms!

"The powerhouse of Ten Thousand Ways of God?!"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the powerful people around could not help showing shocked expressions.

This is an immortal dynasty, the most powerful force near the eastern frontier, and there are not many powerful people in it.

The emperor is like a cloud, and the giants gather!

It is even more so that the Heavenly Sovereign suppresses it, and it is a powerful force in the heavens and all realms.

Even the seven prison gates that lived in one side were shattered because of the dynasty of the gods, and returned to the dust of history, completely gone.

In the eastern boundary, and even the central boundary, the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire has an unimaginable power.

If any one of the strong people walks out, they will be regarded as a guest of honor by other forces, and they dare not think of offending.

"Ten Thousand Ways of God..."

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a solemn expression appeared on his face.

If you want to say that among the heavens and the world, the power he fears the most, the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty is definitely on the list, and it must be in the top few.

It is not fear, but recognition of the strength of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods.

In words, he may despise the Ten Thousand Dao Gods, but when he really faces the Ten Thousand Gods, he won't have the slightest slightest contempt.

In the final analysis, the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Kingdoms are also giant forces of the heavens and worlds, and their background and strength are not comparable to other forces.

"This battle is a battle between me and the Golden Crow Taoism and other forces. It is an internal affair of my eastern frontier. As a powerhouse of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, Daoxue Fellow Taixu intervenes in this matter. What does it mean?"

Qin Yi asked with a deep voice.

His words were sharp, and in just a few words, the invisible pressure brought by the Taoist Taixu in the name of ten thousand gods was eliminated.

Even counter-pressure Taixu Taoist head.

The so-called teacher is famous.

The Ten Thousand Ways of God is not a force in the Eastern Frontier. If there is no reason, rushing into the affairs of the Eastern Frontier will only arouse hostility from the forces in the Eastern Frontier.

Although Wandao Shenchao would not care, it was enough to get rid of the pressure brought by Taixu Taoists.

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