Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3319: Heilong Daojun's plan

The Eastern Frontier has always been weak, and it is a recognized fact in the heavens and ten thousand realms that the number of strong is far lower than the other four realms.

Not to mention the battle before the ancient times, the number of strong people in the Eastern Frontier fell sharply.

The only remaining power of the Supreme Daoist Sect, the Seven Prison Gates was also destroyed by the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, and the top existence of the Eastern Frontier was almost destroyed.

Later, when he encountered the avenue and fell into the town, he suppressed all the emperors above the fourth realm of the eastern border into the avenue.

The inheritance of martial arts in the eastern boundary is almost cut off.

This also led to the fact that the strongest person in the Eastern Frontier was only the Emperor Zhenhuang in the fourth stage before the town was unlocked.

In the same way, the weakness of the Eastern Frontier also makes the strong in the Eastern Frontier, facing the strong from other territories, have the same hatred of the enemy.

The appearance of Taoist Taixu, without Qin Yi's point, naturally aroused the vigilance of the giants.

After saluting the Taoist Taixu, the Black Dragon Taoist changed his laziness before and looked at Taoist Taixu with a solemn expression.

"Taoxu Taoist..."

Heilong Daojun's eyes flickered, and the motion of stroking the black dragon in his hand did not know when to stop.

The black dragon in his arms controlled his own breathing and did not dare to disturb the black dragon Daojun. He knew that this was a manifestation of his own master's thinking about problems.

If he bothers his owner, he will inevitably be punished.

Although after each punishment, his strength has greatly increased.

But as soon as he remembered the pain he suffered during the punishment, he couldn't help but shiver, and his body aroused a fine sweat like a mortal.

'not good! ’

The black dragon looked panicked and quickly sucked the fine sweat on his body into his body.

Then, he carefully glanced at the Black Dragon Daojun and found that he didn't seem to have found anything wrong, and he was relieved.

"Unexpectedly, some of these people would cooperate with Wandao Shenchao."

Heilong Daojun didn't care about the pet's small movements in his arms. Instead, Yuan Yi Daojun and many other giants sneered in his heart.

As the Black Dragon Dao Sovereign who rose in the Eastern Frontier and inherited the inheritance of a hegemon in the Eastern Frontier during the Primordial Era, he is the most guarded against the powerhouses in other areas.

He did not want the strong from other realms to intervene in matters of the Eastern Frontier.

It is the most unacceptable thing for him to let the strong from other realms control the eastern realm.

It is to let him give up the opportunity to become Tianzun, and he will not let the strong from other realms take away the opportunity belonging to the eastern frontier.

But now, Daojun Yuan Yi and other giants have betrayed the Eastern Frontier and joined forces with the powerful of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty. How can this make him not angry?

A certain idea became firmer and firmer in Black Dragon Daojun's mind.

‘However, before that, I have to see if you have the ability to withstand the blows of the gods, is it worthy of my trust! ’

Heilong Daojun glanced at the eternal clone, then at Qin Yi, his eyes faint.

In his eyes, there is expectation, exploration...and so on.

In the final analysis, the strength of the Ten Thousand Dao Shenchao is too terrifying, and there are not a few strong people at the level of Taixu Daoist.

Haven't seen a few Dongjiang giants on the side, the same look is ugly, but dare not to have any dissatisfaction?

Isn't it just afraid of the strength of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty?

In Qin Yi and the Buluo Emperor Dynasty did not show that they could contend with the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty, let alone the entire Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty, at least before they showed the strength to withstand this wave of attacks, he would not easily go to take refuge Do not fall to the emperor.

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