Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3320: The fear of the emperor of East Xinjiang

Chaos, sometimes quiet, sometimes violent, the terrible chaotic turbulence set off an astonishing storm, sweeping the surrounding world.

In a void, a figure with a terrifying breath walks in chaos, lingering all over the divine glory, the number exceeds a hundred.

Or wearing a golden armor, like a big sun; or yin and yang in the eyes revolving, acting out the mystery of heaven and earth; or devilish air, covering the universe...

If there are creatures of the Eastern Frontier here, you can recognize that these figures are not all the famous powerful people in the Eastern Frontier.

Everyone is at least a powerful person at the quasi-emperor level, and there are also many emperors.

After the avenue was unlocked, the powerhouses of the eastern border appeared like a blowout, removing the ancient powerhouses under the command of many giants.

In the eastern frontier, many powerful men then broke through the quasi-emperor and even the emperor realm.

In any case, the Eastern Frontier is one of the five great realms, and the world in it is like the number of Hengsha, giving birth to countless arrogances.

When the main road was closed, most of these arrogances were suppressed in the quasi-emperor realm, unable to break through.

Many of them have cultivated into the extreme realm of mana, the extreme physical body, or the extreme realm of souls, and even Tianjiao who have cultivated into both extreme realms.

Just facing the imperial gate with the blessing of the great road, these Tianjiao did not dare to have any idea of ​​crossing the thunder pond, and kept suppressing themselves.

When the Great Dao's closure was lifted, the impedimental realm still existed, but it was no longer as terrifying as it used to be, and these Tianjiao also broke through the emperor realm.

Of course, the horror of Chengdi's Thunder Tribulation is not to say, many Tianjiao also fell because of Chengdi's Thunder Tribulation, and they were wiped out by the Thunder Tribulation, leaving nothing behind.

However, under the support of a huge base, one after another young emperor was born, making a good reputation in the Eastern Frontier.


These powerhouses condense their avatars with their divine minds and gather together to watch the battle between Jinwu Taoism and other forces against the Buluo Empire.

The changes in this battle made the emperors feel dizzy.

The forces of the Buluo Empire and the Golden Crow Taoism burst out with unimaginable backgrounds, and the strong emerged in an endless stream, and one was more powerful than the other.

"Hi, there are so many emperors in the imperial dynasty!"

An emperor with a grim face couldn't help but say.

The forces such as the Golden Crow and Taoism were originally forces that continued from the ancient times. There were many emperors, and they were expected by many emperors.

But the number of emperors who did not fall into the imperial dynasty really exceeded the expectations of the emperors.

In the eyes of most emperors, the Buluo Empire had risen too fast. Even if there were strong men comparable to the giants of the heavens, the high-end combat power of the emperor series was still scarce.

However, reality directly slapped all the emperors in the face.

"Unexpectedly, the Emperor Buluo Dynasty hid so deeply, not to mention the emperors of the lower three realms, even the emperors above the fourth realm are not a few!"

The other emperor was speechless.

Some emperors felt even more afraid. These emperors were in high spirits after breaking through the emperors, and many emperors had not had the idea of ​​not falling into the imperial dynasty.

In fact, some emperors also took action to plunder the resources of the affiliated forces of the Buluo Emperor.

After all, in their view, the number of strong people in the Buluo Empire is scarce, and they are already stretched to face the oppression of the Golden Crow Taoism and other forces.

As long as they don't directly attack the Emperor Buluo Dynasty, no matter how angry the strong men of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty are, they will not be able to mobilize their hands to deal with them.

It now appears that they did a big death without knowing it.

As long as any one of these unfallen powerhouses makes a move, it will be enough to kill them all.

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