Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3321: Awe of the Bull Demon King

Although these newly promoted emperors are all the arrogances of the Eastern Frontier, they all belong to the top ranks in their respective worlds.

But most of them who have just broken through the emperor are in the first stage, and there is no emperor in the second stage, so their strength is not too strong.

It seems that there are a large number of people, but in fact, a random fourth-level emperor will take action, which is enough to sweep and suppress them all.

At this time, the emperors will not be afraid?

However, how did they know that the previous imperial dynasty did not have so many emperors, that is, Qin Yi conquered the Seven Prisons World.

Coupled with expending a lot of killing experience to open the space-time training pavilion, otherwise, the imperial dynasty will face an absolute disadvantage at the emperor level in the face of the joint forces of the Golden Crow Taoism and other forces.

After all, forces such as the Golden Crow Daoism were inherited from the ancient times, and most of the emperors were sleeping in the avenue under the protection of the Golden Crow Daojun and other giants.

After a long deep sleep, Yu now wakes up.

Even if the Golden Crow Daojun and other giants only sheltered the elite powerhouses in their subordinates, the total number of powerhouses in the ten directions is extremely terrifying.

Therefore, Qin Yi will increase the power of the strong in a short period of time at all costs, and this has caused a scene that surprised all the strong in Eastern Xinjiang.

Of course, these things are not something that all the emperors of Eastern Frontier can understand.

A group of emperors of Eastern Frontier were watching the development of this battle nervously. When the Bull Demon King shot, the emperors couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

The strength of the Bull Demon King, even through countless Chaos Dao, still suppressed them from breathing, just like in the past, when they had not yet embarked on the martial arts journey, they felt when facing their master.

On the way of martial arts, the higher the level of cultivation, any gap between the two can be infinitely magnified.

Not to mention, the gap between the lower three realm emperors and the seventh realm.

The Bull Demon King is comparable to the power of the ninth realm overlord of the heavens. If he thinks, relying on his own breath alone will be enough to wipe out this group of Eastern Frontier emperors.

Speaking of horror, the gap is actually bigger than this!

The emperor's nine realms, one realm and one heaven!

This is not a joke!


From a distance came a mighty power like the fall of the Primordial Mountain, causing the hearts of the emperors to sway.

Fortunately, the three giants such as the Golden Crow Daojun joined forces to urge the Three Realms Treasure Wheel to stop the aura of the Bull Demon King. Otherwise, these emperors may leave a psychological shadow, which may eventually turn into Dao wounds and hinder oneself from continuing to practice.

"It's horrible, is this the power of the giants of the heavens?"

"At that moment, I thought I was going to fall away!"

"Horrible! Terrible!"

The emperors felt the turbulent fluctuations in the void, and their hearts trembled.

Even if it's just a ghost clone here, such feelings have already affected one's own deity.

As a last resort, a group of emperors stepped back into the Chaos Dao by millions again to avoid the confrontation between the Bull Demon King and the Golden Crow Dao Sovereign.

They have no doubt that if they stay where they are, this avatar will be directly obliterated.

However, the emperors did not have any intention to retreat.

Because they all know that this battle has entered a white-hot stage, and even the giants of the heavens have already appeared, and this battle may end at any time.

In such a situation that concerns the situation in the eastern frontier, how can many emperors retreat?

An emperor concentrates his mind and pays attention to the development of the situation.

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