Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3322: The emperor of East Xinjiang is not optimistic

The war continued, and under the attention of the emperors, the Great Emperor blatantly attacked the strong man who did not fall in the imperial dynasty with a punch.

Then, Qin Yi suddenly shot, blocking the attack of the Great Emperor.

The volatility of the time avenue pervades, freezing time and space.

"This is the power of Time Avenue!"

The hearts of all the emperors jumped, and they felt that they were also affected by the fluctuations of the Time Avenue.

Needless to say, the horror of the Time Avenue is clear to all the emperors. This is one of the most powerful avenues in the heavens and all realms.

However, what surprised them was that Qin Yi's understanding of the Great Dao of Time had reached such a point that even Daxiang the Great and many other giants were also affected.

"No way, the Great Emperor is going to die at the hands of the imperial lord?"

Seeing Qin Yi pointing towards the Great Emperor, the emperors couldn't help but exclaim.

Could it be that the giants of the heavens will fall here so soon?

It is not that they did not speculate that the existence of the giants of the heavens will fall in this battle, but they did not expect to come so quickly.

Rather, not as they expected, it was the powerhouse of the imperial dynasty who fell, but the Great Emperor of the Golden Crow Taoism and other forces.

"Impossible, Black Dragon Daojun and other giants will not sit back and watch the fall of Emperor Daxiang!"

The emperor shook his head.

The Golden Crow Daojun and other giants joined forces, and the Great Emperor fell into a crisis. Other giants could not sit idly by and would inevitably rescue him.

Sure enough, many giants took action one after another, breaking the volatility of the time avenue, forcing Qin Yi to retreat and release the Great Emperor.

"Although I don't know what method the emperor uses to display such a powerful avenue of time, he is only one person after all.

Even after exhausting all means, it is impossible to be an opponent of giants such as Golden Crow Daojun. "

An emperor with sparse hair and a little old face sighed.

This emperor was named Gushou the Great. He was an emperor who lived for a long time in the Eastern Frontier. It is said that he was enlightened before ten epochs and his cultivation level was not high, but he was proficient in various secrets of life extension.

I once followed the method of Zhutian Avenue to close the town of Dongjiang giants and deduced the secret method of closing the town.

Enclose one's body in a big world to delay the aging of one's body.

He also had to wake up after the road closure was released.

Needless to say, his experience is not comparable to ordinary emperors, and he knows many secrets that ordinary emperors don't know.

In his opinion, Qin Yi almost killed the Great Emperor Daxiang by relying on a certain secret method. It seemed astonishing, but it was actually that way.

The same method will not work as long as many giants are prepared.

Not to mention, the seven giants working together to overwhelm others with power is enough to destroy Qin Yi by any means.

The words of the great emperor Gushou naturally won the approval of the emperors, which is also the unanimous view of the emperors.

Long before the start of this battle, the emperors agreed that this battle would be defeated if the emperor did not fall, and there was no suspense.

Even if the imperial dynasty did not fall, and many emperors with tyrannical cultivation levels suddenly appeared, this fact could not be changed.

The imperial dynasty's lack of combat power at the level of the giants of the heavens is not so simple that it can be supplemented.

Although the Niu Demon King was strong, he was also controlled by the three giants such as Richen Great and the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, stopped together, unable to get out.

Except for the Bull Demon King, Qin Yi was the only one left with the power of a giant of the heavens if he did not fall into the emperor dynasty.

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