Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3323: The origin of Taixu Taoist

On the other hand, the Golden Crow Taoism and other forces still have the power of the seven giants at the level of the heavens.

One-on-seven, anyone with a discerning eye knows what the outcome of this battle will be.

What happened next surprised the emperors even more.

A strong man from the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, under the persecution of Qin Yi, had to show up.

"The powerhouse of Ten Thousand Ways of God!"

"Lord Taixu? Even a prince from the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty is here?"

"Hi! This battle actually shocked the prince of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire?"

At this moment, the emperors could no longer sit still.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, even this one was shocked!"

The Great Emperor Gu Shou muttered to himself as he looked at the powerhouse of Ten Thousand Dao Gods.

"Senior, do you know this one?"

Upon seeing this, there was an emperor's expression, and he asked.

"You have not been enlightened, and it is reasonable not to know these secrets. This active age is not now, but hundreds of epochs ago."

Emperor Gu Shou stroked his beard and smiled.

"A hundred epochs ago?"

The hearts of the emperors shuddered, this is another old antique who has been enlightened for a long time.

Such old antiques are unfathomable in terms of cultivation and strength, and it is difficult to predict.

"Do you know the division of titles of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods?"

The Great Emperor Gu Shou glanced at the emperors and asked with a smile.

"As far as I know, the title of Ten Thousand Dao Gods is extremely difficult to obtain. The first condition is cultivation, and the second is to make great achievements for the Ten Thousand Gods."

An emperor replied.

"Then do you know what kind of cultivation level is needed if you want to obtain the title of Lord Marquis or Lord Lord in the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods?"

Emperor Gu Shou asked rhetorically.

"The Lord Marquis must have the cultivation base of the ninth stage, and the Lord Wang must have the cultivation base of the Tianzun."

The emperor thought for a while, and finally said.

As soon as this remark came out, many emperors on the side could not help but shocked.

This powerful man of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty was honored by many giants as the King Taixu, isn't he a quasi-tianzun powerhouse?

"What you said is true. Since the establishment of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, it has always been adhering to this set of titles, but this Prince Taixu is different."

Emperor Gu Shou said with a cheerful smile.

"What is the difference?"

The emperors doubted.

"When this prince Taixu was granted the title of prince, he only had the cultivation base of the seventh realm, and he had just stepped into the seventh realm."

The Great Emperor Gu Shou said so.


Hearing the words of Emperor Gu Shou, all the emperors were dumbfounded.

Powers such as the Supreme Taoist Sect and the Immortal Gods are huge and powerful, but they are also the most disciplined places.

There is no equivalent cultivation base, and it is basically impossible to take a higher position.

The cultivation base of the seventh realm just wanted to become the prince of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, it was like a fantasy.

Virtue is not worthy, and if you sit on it rashly, it will only attract others to attack.

"If it is an ordinary person, this is naturally not possible, but this prince Taixu is different. As the eighth son of the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, and the eighth son of Ten Thousand Ways of God, he needs no more to say.

Moreover, He had sneaked into the Seven Prison Gate, worshipped under the Seven Prison Gate, and stole a treasure of the Seven Prison Gate, and made an amazing contribution to defeating the Seven Prison Gate by the God of Ten Thousand Ways, so he was sealed by the God Lord For the prince. "

The Great Emperor Gu Shou didn't play mystery either, and he explained.

"The eighth son of the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways? Stole a treasure from the Seven Prison Gates?"

The words of the Great Emperor Gu Shou made all the emperors take a breath again.

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