Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3328: Taixu Taoist's Confidence


The light blue light fell, as if a big world was pressing down through the air, and the power of creation and destruction flowed in it.

Three thousand big worlds, all in one ray of light.

One side of the world is shattered and reborn, giving birth to unimaginable terrible power.

With this ray of light as the center, the time and space within a radius of millions of miles is constantly collapsing and shattering, just like the annihilated world in the light.

The overlord blows the world and shakes the earth!

Although Taoist Taixu is not the real person, but his clone itself is not inferior to the ninth realm's overlord of the heavens.

In addition, it has a secret method to fight against the closure of the town in the eastern border. Although it has an impact, the combat power of this clone has not been weakened too much.

Between gestures, the destructive power of the general overlord level can be exploded.

What is the overlord, the top of the emperor.

In the Primordial Era of the heavens and ten thousand realms, there was no concept of quasi-tianzun between the emperor and the Tianzun, and the strongest under the Tianzun was the emperor of the ninth realm.

Therefore, the emperor of the ninth realm is revered as the overlord of the heavens.

This is the status second only to Tianzun!

Until later, with the development of the times, the pioneers opened up a new realm above the ninth realm.

Some emperors who took the path of Tianzun to the extreme were divided separately and classified as the realm of quasi-tianzun, meaning the reserve of Tianzun.

In fact, Zhuntianzun can also be regarded as the emperor of the ninth realm.

One can imagine how terrifying Taixu Taoist's blow was!


At the moment of this shot, Qin Yi could clearly perceive that an invisible aura followed the unpredictable traces and firmly locked him.

Can't escape, can't escape!

Facing this blow, Qin Yi had only one option, and there was no possibility of avoiding it.

Even the avatar of Heaven, who is refining the Heavenly Dao of Seven Hells in the Tianyao Continent, and the eternal avatar in the Golden Crow battleship, all have a sense of being locked in.

Taoist Taixu planned to kill Qin Yi's avatars thoroughly, eliminating all the possibility of Qin Yi's resurrection.

The self-confidence of being a Zhuntianzun is fully demonstrated at this moment.

Of course, the Taoist Taixu is also qualified to be confident, and his deity is a quasi-tianzun strong. Whether it is the comprehension of the Dao or the use of the power of the origin, it is not on the same level as the ordinary 9th realm overlord.

In his eyes, although Qin Yi had some small tricks, in the final analysis he was just a junior who had not even reached the seventh realm.

Even the emperor of the ninth realm is face to face, and he can defeat it, let alone a junior who doesn't even have the seventh realm?

This time, he made an all-out effort, and it was said that he was bullying the small, if it spread out, it would damage his face of the king of the gods.

However, before he came to the Eastern Frontier, he had also collected information about Qin Yi, knowing that this unfalling emperor was very good at doing unexpected things and had unpredictable trump cards.

Just like just now, the seven giants of the heavens shot, he thought that Qin Yi was definitely not an opponent, who would have thought that Qin Yi almost killed the Great Emperor.

In order to avoid the trouble of losing face, he naturally would not make the mistakes made by the Great Emperor and others again, and there was nothing left in this blow.

He seemed to treat Qin Yi as a strong man at the same level and treated him solemnly.

"It is your honor to die in the hands of this king!"

Taixu Taoist eyes are indifferent, like the sun and the moon hanging above the nine heavens.

The icy words, like the voice of the king of God's judgment, fell down!

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