Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3329: Overlord collision


The light blue divine brilliance swept through the chaos with a mighty force.

All the beings on the battlefield looked sideways, and were shocked by the power contained in them, only feeling chilly.

Even Sun Wukong, who was hiding in the dark, also said: "The emperor, this thief is strong, let my old grandson take care of it."

As a powerhouse at the same level, Monkey King knows the power of Taixu Taoist best.

The strength of this clone of Taoist Taixu is not weaker than him.


Qin Yi shook his head, his eyes slowly raised, feeling the invisible pressure coming from the void, and let out a deep breath:

"He, I will deal with it personally!"

Immediately, he took a sudden step forward, bowed slightly, clenched his right fist, and opened the fist frame, his back beating like a dragon.


Qin Yi's body suddenly heard the low roar of countless dragons, and the qi and blood burst out from his body.

Rising into the sky, immersed in chaos, dyed the void into a golden color for a time.

The radiant energy and blood spread out in the void, as if to dye the entire heavens and all realms into a golden color, extremely bright.

And in this, a phantom appeared out of thin air, wearing nine chapters of the emperor's robe, twelve rows of colored glaze diadem hanging down quietly, adding to the majesty.

When the phantom dropped his gaze, the chaos of hundreds of thousands of miles was shaken.

The domineering atmosphere that suppressed the universe and overlooked the heavens and worlds, then escaped, and enveloped the many powerful people around it.

Even if it was a tyrannical Taoist like Taixu, his gaze couldn't help.


Qin Yi sighed softly.

The next moment, Qin Yi blasted out with a punch, as if a long spear that went straight through the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm came up from the ground, vowing to pierce the chaotic sky.


The billowing qi and blood swayed vertically and horizontally like a wave of annihilation, and in the whistling, it went straight toward the place where Taoist Taixu was submerged.

The vast power directly broke through the ray of light that evolved three thousand great worlds, piercing through countless worlds like a broken bamboo.

I have a punch to break the heavens!


Taoist Taixu raised his brows, and his face showed a trace of surprise.

Obviously, he was also surprised by Qin Yi's punch, which was beyond his expectation.

It was not that he did not expect that Qin Yi could break his blow, but what surprised him was that Qin Yi was not relying on foreign objects, on the contrary, it seemed that he was relying on the actual strength of his body.

An emperor who hadn't even completed the seventh stage, could he have such power?

"Huh, it's in vain!"

However, Taoist Taixu quickly converged his mind, snorted coldly, his body moved, and his five-finger skips stretched into a palm print.

As if an ancient sacred mountain was pressed down, and Qin Yi's punch that seemed to be able to pierce the chaos and pierce through the heavens and worlds, crashed together.


In an instant, the chaos surrounding hundreds of millions of miles seemed to be quiet, and then there was another earth-shattering roar.

The violent power diffused from the collision, and the endless time and space collapsed.

The worlds within this range are like candlelights in the violent wind, one after another being blown out by this force.

Most of the eastern frontier seemed to be shaken by this blow.

The expressions of many giants such as the Great Emperor changed drastically, and they had to protect the strong under his command, far away from the scope of the aftermath of the battle between the two.

For a time, the chaotic void of hundreds of millions of miles was empty.

The powerhouses in other realms also seemed to be aware of it and cast their eyes on it.

This is a real overlord collision!

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