Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3330: The strong who appeared one after another


The violent waves swept through, and countless chaotic auras rolled like waves.

It took a long time to calm down.

"You surprised this king, with such power and boxing..."

Taoist Taixu slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, his gaze towards Qin Yi was somewhat complicated, with a hint of curiosity and a hint of solemnity.

In the process of fighting just now, he only felt that he was not facing an emperor who did not even have the seventh realm, but an existence at the same level as him.

An overlord of the heavens!

At this time, he did not dare to have any contempt for Qin Yi anymore.

If before, he was only afraid of Qin Yi's possible external help, then now, he truly regards Qin Yi as a powerful person at the same level.

Apart from other things, the punch just now deserves His attention.

"On the contrary, I would like to thank Lord Taixu for his praise. Lord Taixu's way of creation and destruction also opened my eyes."

Qin Yi smiled calmly with his hands on his back.

However, no one noticed that his right hand was trembling slightly behind his back, and a drop of golden blood dripped from his fingertips.


When the blood shook, that drop of blood was annihilated into nothingness.

Taixu Taoist's realm and strength are far surpassed today's Qin Yi, it can be said that the two are not at the same level.

If it wasn't for Qin Yi to withdraw all the power that the Heavenly Dao clone could use at this moment to bless the deity, I am afraid that the blow just now would be enough to kill Qin Yi.

After all, the gap between him and Taixu Taoist is too huge.

Even in these days, Qin Yi has been practicing assiduously, and his deity's cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and it is not comparable to the clone Taixu Taoist.

The realm alone is quite different!

At the level of the emperor, the gap between each realm is extremely huge, and the gap between each realm above the seventh realm is even more like a world of difference.

The gap in each realm may even be greater than the gap between the emperor and the quasi emperor!

If the Heavenly Dao clone is powerful enough, Qin Yi at this moment is not qualified to compete with the Taixu Daoist clone.

An emperor like Qin Yi who has not even completed the seventh stage, in front of Taoist Taixu, even the ants on the side of the road can't be counted as crushed to death with one hand.

"This king is really more and more curious about you. With your current state, it stands to reason that it is impossible to master such power.

But you happen to have mastered the vitality and blood comparable to the overlord of the heavens, which is interesting and really interesting. "

Taoist Taixu couldn't help looking at Qin Yi, as if looking at a rare treasure.

In the long years of his life, he has seen too many Tianjiao evildoers.

There were those who stood on top of the emperor at birth, those who practiced astonishingly fast and went all the way to the seventh realm, and there were those who were silent for several epochs, and the enchanting menacing one by one.

But the existence of Qin Yi that can cross several realms against the enemy is simply unheard of.

After all, at the level of the emperor, any existence that can cultivate into the emperor realm is a hero, whose character, talent, luck, and wisdom are all the best choices.

If you want to fight across borders, it is naturally extremely difficult.

Not to mention, across several realms!

Like the Bull Demon King in the seventh realm, possessing a combat power comparable to that of the ninth realm overlord, he was already a little surprised.

However, he still saw some details of the Bull Demon King, a certain powerful bloodline, coupled with a very high understanding of the great avenues of the heavens, this gave the Bull Demon the capital to fight across borders.

But in fact, the Bull Demon King’s understanding of the Great Way of the Heavens is comparable to that of the Heaven Overlord. It can be said that the Bull Demon King’s realm has reached the ninth realm, but it has not broken through the ninth realm because of the original strength.

In the eyes of Taoist Taixu, the Bull Demon King is completely the weakened version of the ninth realm of the heavenly hegemon.

The Bull Demon King's ability to match the Ninth Stage with the Seventh Stage seemed astonishing, but it made sense.

On the contrary, it was Qin Yi, and the Taoist Taixu was shocked. He crossed several realms to fight him, not only breaking his immortal aura of birth and death, but also forcing him to punch him again.

Such strength is no less than the ordinary ninth realm overlord.

But he couldn't see through Qin Yi's details. No matter how he looked at it, Qin Yi was still the emperor who didn't even have the seventh realm.

"Haha, old ghost Taixu, you are really going back more and more alive, facing a small junior, you can't take it for so long."

At this moment, a few faint ridicules suddenly came from the depths of the chaos.

When the voice came, the expressions of Qin Yi, the Great Emperor and other giants suddenly sank, and they all turned their heads to look at the place where the voice was coming from.

I saw a few figures slowly coming from where the sound came from.

Or weeping old, or heroic, or graceful and graceful...

But there is no doubt that every aura of these figures is particularly terrifying, shrouded in endless glory, and acted to provoke the great avenues of heaven.

Almost all the invisible laws are condensed into substance, surrounded by several figures, evolving countless different phases.

The galaxy traverses, the purple air is like a dragon, and the endless wars suppress the Quartet... all kinds of different phases.


At the moment when a few figures appeared, the boundless stalwart aura swept all over the place, as if a **** king descended into the earth.

All beings in the Eastern Frontier were so scared that they couldn't help kneeling to the ground.

Each of these figures is not weaker than the Taoist Taixu, their strength is beyond comprehension, and the horror is unimaginable.

"Old ghost Taixu, you have been in retreat for a hundred epochs. This is the first time you left the customs. Unexpectedly, you carried a big somersault here.

Even an ant in the seventh stage can't take it down, and it's really getting better and better. "

One of them, a man with a height of nine feet and a black-haired shawl, sneered, in no way meant to save face to the Taoist Taixu.

"Old ghost Baiwu, don't talk coldly. The strength of this son should not be underestimated. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

Taoist Taixu didn't get angry, just smiled.

"Heh, let the king try, what's so amazing about an ant that doesn't exist in the seventh stage!"

The black-haired man sneered and didn't say much. He just stepped forward and struck Qin Yi with a punch.

If you don't agree, just do it!


The void trembles, and an endless force of evil spirits suddenly rises.

Pieces of phantoms of warriors emerged, and 倏er condensed into real objects, turned into pieces of emperor soldiers with amazing power, clamoring.

The golden big clock suppresses the Eight Wastes, the purple round tripod stands in chaos, and the sharp sword opens the world...

Each of these weapons is at least a high-level imperial weapon, and any one has the power to suppress the heavens and the world.

At this moment, they flew together, carrying the ultimate killing and killing meaning, running through the chaotic universe, setting off a wave of violent violence, and pointed directly at Qin Yi's eyebrows.

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